(Chapter 37) The ascending

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{Abbie's pov}
The window burst open, it was zalgo. The tears and sadness soon turned into anger and hate. My tears began to burn with hate. He gave me a demonic smile and grabbed my arm, "NO STOP!! LET GO OF ME!!", I yelled but the music drowned out my screams. "Lights out!", zalgo said smirking.

I felt a sharp material pierce my skin and I fell to the floor before blacking out.

I woke up covered in thick blood stained, rusted chains. They were around my neck, hands wrists and ankles.

"Hello lullaby, I see your awake", zalgo said. I glared at him with hate. "Not speaking are we, well I'm sure that won't be a problem in a minute", he said. I shot a confused look at him, he only smiled with delight. He walked to a table covered in torture objects, he got a pair bolt cutters. He walked to me and slightly tugged on my jaw to open my mouth, he pulled my tongue and I yelped. I realised what he was doing, I whimpered and whined. He quickly got the bolt cutters and with one snip my tongue came off. I screamed in agony.

My eyes were swelling with bloody tears as I whimpered. "You wanna know why I'm doing this and why I'm ENDING IT ALL!?!?!", he yelled in anger. I nodded still in agonising pain, "YOU TOOK MY BLOOD!!! YOU TOOK MY SANITY!!! NO ONE HAS EVER SUCCEEDED AT TAKING MY BLOOD WHATSOEVER!!! AND THEN YOU JUST COME ALONG AND TAKE IT NO PROBLEM!! DO YOU KNOW HOW THAT MAKES ME FEEL!?!?!!! DO YOU!", he spat.

He then grabbed the closest object to him, which just happened to be a glass shard. He stabbed it in my eye and began to twist it leaving me in agonising pain. "NOW IM GOING TO END IT ALL YOU LITTLE FREAK!!!", he yelled as he plunged a pair of scissors into my chest. He repeatedly stabbed me in the chest, but I could no longer scream. I could hear my heart beat getting louder and louder but also... Slower and slower...

"ABBIE!!!", I heard toby yell. Bloody tears left my eyes as I took my last breath...

Creepypasta: Bloody tears (#Wattys 2015)Where stories live. Discover now