(Chapter 18) Party, beer and games part 2

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A/n: ok I was planning on putting all this into one chapter but ended up doing a part two because it was a really long chapter already. P.s. Hope you like the picture : P

"Abbie before we start are you and toby going out or something, you seem close?", clockwork asks.

"Yeah, he's throwing a party for you and everything", jane added.

"Oh, well we are close but I wouldn't say were that close", I said calmly.
Clockwork and jane stared at me blankly "W-What?!", I said nervously.
"Oh nothing", the girls said in unison.

{time skip}
"No way in hell am I wearing pink!!", I yelled. "Aaawwww come on Abbie this would look great in you!", jane said. I huffed and turned my back to them with my arms crossed.

"If you wear it I'll get you a new iPod", clockwork said.

"Really", I said unsure if she was joking or not.


I sighed and took the pink dress. I put it on earning a shocked look from clockwork and jane.
"Isn't this a bit to much for a party", I asked.

"No it's a fancy dress, the guys are wearing tux's", jane said reassuringly.

"So what are you guys wearing", I asked curiously.

"That's a surprise", clockwork said.

"Oh.....ok", was all I said.

{Toby's pov}
I was kinda mad that slender changed my idea for a normal party and made it fancy dress, but on the bright side I got to see Abbie in a dress. All of the guys were ready and all the creepypastas started to flood the mansion....but still no Abbie.

The music stopped and slender stood atop the staircase "welcome everyone we hope that you have fun tonight sorry it was on such short notice but we would like to welcome the newest creepypasta, Abbie", he announced.

Abbie nervously played with her long gloves, she waved nervously.
Aww she looked so cute...wait a minute, did I really just say that.

"teens will be in the living room now let's begin the party", slender said before joining the crowd. The music then blasted playing meg and dia monster.
Abbie walked into the living room and everyone began to greet themselves and chat to her (I can't be bothered to do the introductions).

{Abbie's pov}
I was really nervous but everyone was so nice I met lots of new people like dark link, sonic exe, smile dog and lost silver.
It was really fun getting to know everyone. Out of no where BEN yells "I'm bored let's play a party game!". Everyone agreed while I just stood there awkwardly "hey I have a game", Jeff said with a smirk. We all looked at him and waited for him to tell us

"lets. Play. Spin. The. Bottle", he said slowly in a raspy voice. Everyone cheered while I tried to back out of the room slowly, I was centimetres away from the door when some more of the creepypastas barged through the door. As I tried to sneak out yet another time Jeff grabbed my shoulders and pulled me towards the circle.

BEN got an empty beer bottle (sorry if I get the rules wrong I don't know how to play because I never have or will play) BEN volunteered to go first and looked at me with a pervy smile before spinning the bottle. It landed on clockwork and obviously they kissed. Jeff was next and it landed on jane, everybody cracked up laughing, while BEN filmed it.
Next was toby he had also been dragged into playing, but it was probably a different reason he didn't want to play. He spun the bottle and I watched as it spun it landed on me, me and toby looked up at each other. I didn't want anyone to think I was weird so I went with it. toby leaned in and we melted into a kiss, a deep red blush spread across my face and my eyes shone a glistening crystal like blue. But then I pulled away and looked into his amber eyes "I-I-I...uh..I have to go!!!", I said before running up the stairs. I could feel the bloody tears forming in my eyes, Toby chased after me "Abbie wait", he yelled.
I slammed the door in his face, then slammed backwards into it before ripping the pink ribbon out of your hair and throwing it.

*KNOCK KNOCK* toby slammed against the door "Abbie what's wrong what did I do?!?!", he shouted. "IT WAS'NT YOU!!!", I yelled back. "Then who or what was it, just come out Abbie!", he said this time starting to quite down at the end. "It wasn't you, it's me", I said quietly with bloody tears trickling down my face. "What do you mean it's you", he said in a sad voice.

I opened the door in the slightest "that was my first kiss toby", I said. A silence entered the area, I closed the door again and sat in the bed.

Was I falling for toby?

{Toby's pov}
All I could do was stand there, I was gobsmacked. "Ooh snap!", BEN said finally breaking the silence. "BEN not now!", I snapped at him. Everyone began to walk away while I just stood there staring at Abbie's door.

Was I falling for Abbie?

Creepypasta: Bloody tears (#Wattys 2015)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें