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I just really wanted to thank my friend tamiya for helping me get through my life. You are one of the BEST friends I've ever had. I've got other friends on wattpad and if they're reading this right now if also like to thank them!
But I mainly need to thank tamiya for what she's done for me. If tamiya wasn't helping me I'd probably be a lot more depressed than I already am! When I was feeling really depressed and didn't want to go to school because everyone was bullying me she literally called me and asked me to stay the night at her house so we could face school together! Just thank you tamiya SO MUCH!!!
please follow her because she gets way less recognition than she deserves!


If any of my other friend are reading this I STILL love you all to death but I just thought tamiya deserved some recognition for what she's done for me on the past few days.

Creepypasta: Bloody tears (#Wattys 2015)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora