(Chapter 25) zalgo he comes

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A/n: I know this is the worst picture of zalgo but I don't have that many pictures of zalgo and this chapters gonna be very short and crappy.

I turned to find no one there. I began to fly to the ground, I gently placed one foot after the other on the ground. The flames began to disappear as I was finally on the ground. I heard the chuckle again, I got into a defence stance.

"Who's there?!", I asked in a stern voice. He didn't answer, I stood there slightly moving in a circle.
"Well aren't you just the cutest thing", he said in a dark ominous voice ending it with a dark chuckle.

"WHO ARE YOU?!?!", I shouted.

"If I were you I wouldn't use that tone with me", I said sternly.

"What are you, my father!!", I yelled sarcastically in anger.

"No, but I am your lord and I demand respect".

"Lord my ass!", I yelled jokingly.

"Listen missy if your wishing for death then keep joking around".

"Show yourself!".

He slowly stepped towards the light to reveal his menacing features. He had large demonic horns, on the top of his head. He was stereotypically satan himself, every part of him was intimidating.

"I'm lord Zalgo and I don't think I've properly introduced myself. what might your name be", he asked while grinning ear to ear.

I thought about it, should I really tell him my real name, probably not. I said the first thing that came into my head which just so happened to be "I'm lullaby".

"Such a sweet name lullaby, it has a nice ring to it don't you think to bad it isn't your real name..Abbie".

My eyes widened, who was this man standing before me. His voice began to darken as he spoke again
"I have a deal for you Abbie, you know your so called...'family' it'd be a pity if something bad happened to them wouldn't it. You see they can't handle a power as strong as yours and you wouldn't want to hurt them now would you?", He said in an alluring yet ominous voice.

"N-no..and w-what do you mean p-power?", I said trying my best to keep my fear hidden.

"You see that necklace you got there...that pretty gem you got there, you wanna know how it was made?", His voice began to grow angry.

"H-how?", I gulped.

"MY BLOOD!!!", He yelled as he reached for my throat.

Creepypasta: Bloody tears (#Wattys 2015)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin