(Chapter 34) YOU LYING ASSHOLE!!!

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{Abbie's pov}
After the laughter fit everyone began running downstairs. "OMG THE SNOW OUTSIDE IS SO PRETTY!!", Sally exclaimed.
"wait a minute....did you just say snow?", I had a weird look on my face.

"Yeah why?~", Sally said rocking back and forth on her heels.

"Why snow! Why not a heat wave just not snow!", I murmured.

"What are you talking about snows the best! You can clearly see the blood of your victims as it splatters all over the place!", Jeff exclaimed why making a stabbing motion with his knife.

"We were all planning to go out on a killing spree tonight", BEN said.

"Oh", I said, my expression sadder.

"I'm going too, slender said that you didn't need a guardian anymore, as long as you don't runaway again", Lyrica said.

"I won't", was I all I said before walking upstairs into my room.

"Godamn snow!", Said kicking the edge of my bed.

"Hahaha", I heard a dark chuckle.

"I know it's you!", I exclaimed.

"Your no fun", Zalgo said revealing himself. (that's right zalgo's back).

"What do you want!".

"It's that time of the month heh?".

"I'm not a fucking human thanks to you, so how the hell is that even possible".

"Hey it's not ALL my fault, who was it that put the necklace on, who was it that made that deal with me hm?!".

"I was only 5 fucking years old when you did that to me!!!".

"That was 100 years ago get over it".

"What do you mean 100 years?!".

"You honestly have no concept of time do you? You used to be on the news 24/7 for your little outbursts".

"What outbursts?".

"You would get mad and kill and every time you had an outburst it was like your life restarted, you just forgot everything again".


"What did I lie about".

"You never told me that I was over 100 fucking years old".

"Technically your only 14".

"Do you know how to count!!!".

"Obviously but Your only 14, you don't age because I gave you internal youth, if anything you should be thanking me!!".

"AGH, YOU CAN'T GIVE ME ONE STRAIGHT ANSWER CAN YOU!! You took Leon, my fire powers, my memories WHAT MORE COULD YOU FUCKING WANT!?!?!".

"You'll see...", zalgo began to fade and disappear into thin air, I pulled at my hair.

Creepypasta: Bloody tears (#Wattys 2015)Where stories live. Discover now