(Chapter 4) Leon?

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A/n: just letting you know the picture is of the necklace/collar thingy in this chapter but without the black bead and the gold thing around the gem, it's just the gem and the collar thing.

I heard a cheerful voice boom in my ears, "Hello dearie, why in the world would you be crying on such a lovely day like this". I opened my eyes to see a strange old man with a long grey beard and wore strange green baggy pants and a weird looking t shirt with a red racing car on it, he looked like a child in a grown mans body.

"What are you saying lovely I just lost everything!", I spat my words at him like venom.
"No need to be rude!", he said angrily.
I tried to choke back the tears but they just kept falling.

"Abbie it's going to be ok",I heard Phoenix say in a soft tone."no it's not going to be ok Phoenix, I'm being abandoned again!", I said to her still sobbing. The man looked at me and started laughing like a lunatic (which btw he probably was).

"Ok I get it I'm a freak you don't have to-". He cut me off before I could finish.
"What are you talking about your not a freak you've just gotta stop doubting yourself and hey you wanna know a little secret?". He said to try and reassure me.
"What's the secret?", I said curiously.
"I see things that no one else can see too in fact that's how I found you, o'll leon told me that you were here and said that you were lost", I tilted my head in confusion "Leon?". He had a happy look on his face "do you want to meet him?", he asked. I nodded my head 'yes', "put this on and you'll see him". He than handed me a necklace not an ordinary one though, it seemed more like a collar except it was made out of black silk, it didn't have any dog tags or buckles either it had clips at the back to tie it and it had a big red gem in the middle. I'll admit it was beautiful but I shouldn't take it incase it was dear to him.

"Well....I haven't got all day",he said somehow still calm.
I hesitantly took it and put it on. Then he suddenly started to disappear laughing. "HEY COME BACK HERE YOU ASSHOLE!!!!",I yelled. I started to claw and pull at the necklace it wouldn't come off, the clips had disappeared and the silk was somehow unbreakable.
It then started to glow, I started to panic and hyperventilate.

Creepypasta: Bloody tears (#Wattys 2015)Where stories live. Discover now