(Chapter 16) Race

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A/n: ok I have been so bored lately and my internet hasn't been working so sorry I didn't put this up sooner but the story's back up and I've got 4 new chapters because I was SO BORED!!!. I hope you like it.

I walked into the kitchen and found toby making some waffles, he noticed me in the corner of his eyes "oh hey Abbie sup?", he said.
"I wanna go out but slender said I had to bring someone so I don't get lost, so ya wanna come?", I asked.
"Yeah sure, I haven't got anything better to do", he said.

I opened the door and felt the cold air come rushing at me "hey toby?", I asked.


"If I go for a run you'll be able to keep up...right?", I said kinda mockingly.
"Huh if anything I'll beat you!", he said playfully.
I smirked at him playfully and morphed into a wolf and ran "HEY THATS CHEATING!", he yelled with a bit of a giggle.

He managed to catch up to me and I nudged him playfully. He looked at me with a sly smirk, then tackled me to the ground causing me to morph back into a human. He looked down at me before we both erupted with laughter, I realised that he was still on top of me (I know it sounds wrong but bear with me) my laughter turned into a Scarlett red blush as my eyes glowed a bright fluorescent blue, he looked at me before realising what was going on he jumped up and nervously scratched the back if his neck while ticking a bit more than usual. I stood up awkwardly and dusted myself off. The Scarlett red still evident on my face along with my eyes, they change colour in some situations, I couldn't see toby's emotion through his goggles and mouthguard.

"Um..uh let's go!", I said nervously.

"Go where?".

"There should be a lake by here, you know the one that you first saw me at".

"Oh that one, but I thought you didn't see us".

"Oh I did I just pretended I didn't".
And with that you both walked to the lake where he watched I draw peacefully.

Creepypasta: Bloody tears (#Wattys 2015)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن