(Chapter 11) Found

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{Abbie's pov}
I felt so happy today, like nothing could touch me. I learnt how to use the morph power which came in handy for hunting. I felt so happy I put my music on full blast and sang to my hearts content.
"I've become so numb I can feel you there, I've become so tight so much more aware, I'm becoming less of I want to do is be more like me and be less like you", I hated to sing because people would just think I'm more of a freak but now I was free and no one can stop me from being who I am.

{BEN's pov}
I was walking through the woods hoping that she'd be easy to find, but it turned out I was wrong. I've been walking for hours now and found nothing. I heard a faint noise in the background almost like the singing we heard earlier, I ran towards it. "Oh I've become so numb, and every second I wait is more than I can tttaaaakkee!!!", she sung at the top of her lungs. She had such an amazing voice it was as if she was an angel.

I then saw her by the lake, she still had her hoodie over her head but this time it wasn't over her face and the zipper was undone showing her black shirt underneath. Her jeans were worn out and since the last time he saw her she had rips all the way up her the legs of them revealing little bits of her skin.

Without knowing I stepped on a twig causing her to jump up. Her jacket flung off and her golden hair went flying in every which way. Her eyes were a beautiful mixture of blue, green and grey and they glowed making them all the more beautiful. For the first time ever I saw her ears, they were a beautiful charcoal black and flopped down the most slightest bit.

She got into a defence stance, and when I got up to make a run for it she transformed into a wolf and ran after me. She pounced on me and started to claw at me and even though I knew it was bad to hit girls I punched her right across the face. Her eyes went crimson red and she growled in annoyance and transformed back into a human form before a psychotic laugh left her lips, sending shivers down my spine.

{Abbie's pov}
I laughed in psychotically. This boy didn't look human, he must be with that other guy eyeless jack. He was here to trick me he'd abandon me in the end I knew it. He looked at me blankly I looked back at him, my eyes resorting to there natural colour I tilted my head in confusion "why are you looking at me like that?", I said blankly. He looked at me and took the opportunity to push me off of him and pin me down. "GUYS I'VE FOUND HER!", he yelled at the top of his lungs causing me to struggle and squirm. I heard footsteps getting louder and louder. "W-w-what's g-going o-on?", I stuttered out. "Sorry to do this but we can't have zalgo take our little Wolfy now can we?", he said in a sly and perverted tone.

I heard footsteps in the distance getting louder and louder. "Let go of me you asshole!", I yelled still struggling. I could see him struggling to hold one of my hands down so I wriggled my wrist and within seconds it was free, I punched him in the nose causing him to reach for it with both his hands in pain. I stood up and began to run but some sort of electrical wires wrapped around my feet causing me to trip. I used my claws to slash at them making them break in half, then I morphed into a wolf and started to run.

It wasn't long before I ran into even more trouble, I tripped over some sort of tentacle thing and skid against the dirt and morphed back into my human like form. I stood up and dusted myself off. I looked at the tentacle it lead to a tall body, I looked up only to find a faceless being looking back at me.

I stared in shock 'please don't kill me please don't kill me!', I thought to myself only to have him actually answer me "child why would I hurt you, you are one of us, I'm slenderman and I only wish to give you protection", he stated. "B-b-bu-t w-wh-y m-m-e?", I fell to my knees wondering 'do they really care about me?', "Yes we do child", he said. I smiled at him, maybe they did care, maybe they wouldn't abandon me, maybe just maybe.

He extended his hand "child how would you like to be a part of our family?", he said in a caring tone. A big group of people were behind him, they've been there for a while but I barely noticed "how bout it?", a boy with orange goggles asked. Blood like tears formed in my eyes, I jumped up and hugged slenderman. Bloody tears began to fall, slender hugged me back and I smiled brightly. "Child what might your name be?", he asked curiously. "It's Abigail but I prefer Abbie for short", I exclaimed. "Would you like to meet everyone else?", slender asked politely.

Creepypasta: Bloody tears (#Wattys 2015)Where stories live. Discover now