(Chapter 13) We can be lonely together

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Slender soon came back with one of the guys from earlier, only now he took the goggles off and the mouth guard around his neck. I took a good look at him, he was my height but looked older, he had messy chocolate brown hair and amber eyes, anyone could have mistaken him as a human compared to the other pastas.

"Hey I'm toby, but you obviously know that from earlier", he said twitching a bit. I looked him straight in the eyes and said "why are you twitching?" In the nicest tone I could so I didn't offend him. "Oh..I uh.. Kinda have Tourette's", he said scratching the back of his neck nervously. He didn't seem like the shy type, he just seemed misunderstood like me. I had a feeling we'd be good friends. I gave him a polite smile "you don't have to be shy", .I said.

He smiled at me before gesturing to the door "let's go, you can ask questions on the way", he said politely.

I walked out with him leading me to my room "this might take a while, it's like a maze in here", he said causing me to giggle. "So what's your story", I asked.

"What story?", he replied.

"Like...you know..how'd you get here?".

"Oh...that story.......you wouldn't understand it's complicated".

"It can't be that bad, I'll tell you my story if you tell me yours".

"Well....let's put it this way, I was picked on a lot and got called names just for being different, then my sister died in a car crash and I was beaten by my drunk dad....", he paused and had an evil look on his face.
"That man never gave a damn about me", he spat. His face calmed down and he finished his story "well all I can say is it's lonely not having any friends or people that care but you wouldn't understand", he said

"I do....I know what it's like", I said blankly. "What do you mean you understand. What's your story?", he asked.
"Well it starts with the schizophrenia, I was picked on for being different but it wasn't just that, my eyes became more vibrant and colourful, then it was the hair, it kept on growing I couldn't cut it it would only grow back. my friends turned their backs on me...I had no one. Eventually I had enough and I ran away, I didn't care where I was going I just had to get away....but I got lost in a forest and a man found me, but instead of taking me to my parents I WAS TAKEN TO A GOD DAMN ORPHANAGE!!....", bitter tears began to form in my eyes.

"THEY ALL HATED ME, ALL OF THEM......THEY CALLED ME FREAK....", I began to sob silently.

Toby put his hand on my shoulder and looked me in the eyes "fate hasn't done well for us, but it's ok.....we can be lonely together", he said in a sweet tone, I looked back at him and gave him a soft smile.

Creepypasta: Bloody tears (#Wattys 2015)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin