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A/n: this is a special chapter I wrote a while back but couldn't figure out where in the story to put it so now it's just a random happy chapter, Enjoy!!.

{Abbie's pov}
I felt kinda lonely out by myself but it was peaceful, I was drawing a picture a flaming wolf, everyone always said I was creative when really my pictures represent little bits of my life. The wolf represented me and the flames represented my bright and cheerfulness. I started to hum to myself before I began to full out sing.

You shout it out,
But I can't hear a word you say
I'm talking loud, not saying much
I'm criticized but all your bullets ricochet
You shoot me down, but I get up

Blood started to well up in my eyes, it felt as if the song was meant for me but why did it make me sad. I continued to sing it the chorus in a soft tune.

I'm bulletproof, nothing to lose
Fire away, fire away
Ricochet, you take your aim
Fire away, fire away
You shoot me down but I won't fall
I am titanium
You shoot me down but I won't fall
I am titanium

I heard steady breathing from behind me, I knew someone was there. The tears wouldn't stop falling I turned and saw toby and out of fear of being alone I grabbed his shirt, the bloody tears still falling down my face.

"...toby....don't leave....please don't leave....please don't leave me like everyone else.....please stay".

He looked at me in shock, I didn't want him to leave me.

{toby's pov}
She looked peaceful, I don't know why I had followed her out here she would be fine. She began to sing, her voice was high pitched and soft but somewhat soothing and calm. She had the most beautiful voice but she always doubted herself.

I could have listened to her sing all day but I didn't want to invade her privacy. I got up quietly and slowly but came to a sudden stop to hear her pause, she started to quietly sob to herself, bloody tears slowly fell from her face.

I looked at her with a slightly blank and worried expression. I didn't move for a bit because it kinda shocked me, but I decided it was time to leave so I got up and turned, but then she grasped the back of my shirt.

"...toby....don't leave....please don't leave....please don't leave me like everyone else.....please stay", she said in between sobs. I pulled her into a hug, embracing her as she quietly cried. I stocked her long golden locks, her hair was so soft I could use it as a blanket.

Eventually she fell asleep in my arms, I lifted her bridal style back to the mansion where I tucked her in bed. I kissed her on the forehead before leaving the room.

Creepypasta: Bloody tears (#Wattys 2015)Where stories live. Discover now