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a/n: a lots of thanks to SainSaavy for helping me edited this story... it became even better with your help... thank you very much.. i just couldn't thank you enough for your hard work ^^


Nana, a scientist, is currently investigating ruins that supposedly contained information about a demon that surfaced from beneath the Earth 400 years ago. The world was nearly destroyed by the unknown demon that appeared during that horribly devastating era. Nana researches about the species of the demon, its habitat and so on so forth, she almost felt like giving up because the lack of information, until she heard a rumor that the demon once dwelled in the ruin she was currently standing in.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" someone asked, appearing behind her. Nana was startled and fear shot through her veins. She quickly grabbed her plasma pistol and pointed a t the monster. The monster started to take on a human form, one with unruly blond hair. Even so, he doesn't look like a normal human, the black scar-like marks patterned all over his body prevented that.

"You're a human?" asked the hell dweller, looking at Nana in curiousity.

"And you're a monster," Nana stated. She fired the electric plasma pistol towards the demon in human skin, but the demon was able to easily avoid the well aimed shot.

"Whoa, calm down little lady. I mean no harm," said the tattooed demon, as he grinned at Nana. Before Nana could snap at the marked humanoid, the man started to sniff the air in a dog like manner. Quickly, he grabbed Nana's hand and ran from whatever it was that he smelled, into a tiny closet she hadn't noticed before, a small hole in the door making the outside visible.

"What do you think you doing?" asked Nana hissed in borderline hysteria. In return, the demon clamped his slightly clawed hand over her mouth and whispered to stay quiet if she wants to live. Not a moment after, the brunette's eyes widened in surprise when she saw two large demons dressed like soldiers passing their hiding place.

Still shocked at the seemingly random appearance of the demon soldiers, the demon is able pick her up and bring her the edge of her village (how did he know??)placing her on the ground gently. When she starts coming out of her shocked state, she finally noticed where she had been taken, the man was holding her hand, leading Nana to her home she realized.

"You're lucky that I found you before the soldiers did. You sure have guts to step into our village," said the man (He stopped being "demon" when he had saved her), grinning at her.


"So. Since I saved you, can we be friends?"

"Excuse me?"

"I'm asking if we can be friends."

"I don't trust you."

"Oh, I see. All humans are the same. They're truly ungrateful,"

"Don't you dare to speak like so rudely of my kind," Nana snapped back in anger.

"Well, I'll changed my opinion about humans if you accept me as your friend." said the man, holding out his hand to shake with Nana. Nana seemed to contemplate the offer before she sighed in exasperation, taking the hand and shaking it, silently agreeing on becoming the man's friend.

"If we are going to be friends I'll need a name to call you by," The man stated teasingly.


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