8: Hiding Mommie Dearest

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It took all my strength to shove down my smirk, brain realizing our lack of contact made her clueless toward my werewolf nature and just how enhanced I'd become... "And him regarding me as a 'vulnerable human' will be the easiest way for me to manipulate him." I spoke with confidence, Celeste seeming to trust my intent more and more after not seeing the mention of a 'terrifying' Marcellus shake me. "All you need to worry about is those spells, let me be concerned about your protection."

She sucked in a small breath, hand scratching at her neck in thought before she huffed out a small sigh, "Why me?"

I was glad to see her finally giving in, "Because you're an extremely powerful witch." I answered easily, "Because I'm pretty sure you're the only one with the knowledge to do the reversal spell on the Crescent wolves," escaped me in a shrug. "Because vampires being in charge isn't a cute look for this city," that answer caught her interest. "It may seem weird to say, but walking around these streets offers a vibrant atmosphere. There's life on these cobbles. A life that shouldn't be micromanaged by ancient vampires with a desperation to be feared and in charge." I couldn't stop the handsome face of a certain Hybrid from floating past my thoughts, "This city needs more wolves, more witches that aren't worried about doing the simplest of spells. I want to help with that."

Her hard stare felt neverending. The witch's eyes penetrating my skin as though she was attempting to see if the root of me was manipulative and evil. After a long assessment, she seemed to determine I wasn't completely twisted... "I'll give you your spells, but I expect the information you're providing before I begin them."

My eyes narrowed, head giving a rigid nod in a small promise of agreement. "I'll offer you some valuable information before you spell my necklace, but I'll leave anything else until you've finished the Crescent wolf cure." Her jaw clenched, "It only makes sense considering how much more important that enchantment is."

Her bottom lip was nibbled in thought, "How about half the information before I start the potion, and the other half after? That way I have the incentive to finish."

My lips pulled into a smile with the negotiation, the cogs in my brain shifting as I tried to think of a more beneficial suggestion... "I'll give you the information during your witchy mojo of the cure..."

Her right index finger tapped her chin in consideration, the tension finally draining away as she reached out her hand, "Deal."

I lowered my hand as quickly as I'd raised it after noticing the dirt still clinging to the palm, handshake refused; brain so focused on negotiating that I completely spaced on my earlier burial of a hot Hybrid's adulteress mother. I forced up a smile, "Great doing business with 'ya."


"I'll just have a coke please," I filled an available stool, shoulders sagging when my exhaustion from the day's activities finally caught up to me.

The bar was fairly quiet for a Thursday night, the calm atmosphere pushing concern into my creased brows when I considered just how populated the bustling city of New Orleans was. I had decided on a small drink in the heart of the town before leaving for a quick nap in my motel, hoping I'd be back on the road by morning so the Scooby gang wouldn't worry too much. The fact the sun had set promised me all the vampires without the luxury of daylight rings should now be swarming the streets for a small bite or good time, but looking around the near-empty room felt off...it felt eerie--

"Change that to a vodka coke, Marc." The smooth and familiar voice made my eyes widen, just how abandoned the city had turned with nightfall made my common sense berate me. Of course, he'd been tracking the random human driving around with a coffin and seeking out witches. I held back on smacking my forehead out of frustration. How could I be so stupid to think I was actually being inconspicuous?! "I'll have my usual."

The bartender gave a quick nod before leaving us be, my gaze briefly scanning the other patrons--alert focus now recognizing a couple of the vampires' lackeys. "I hope accepting this doesn't mean you expect me to put out."

His grin was annoyingly warm and welcoming as he chuckled, "I'm merely buying a pretty lady a drink. I forgot when that became a crime." Two glasses stopped in front of us, a small gesture of Marcel's hand dismissing the bartender from loitering further.

I held my hands up in mock defense, "Forgive me(!) But the two brain cells I've got jumping around can't help but be suspicious of Marcellus Gerrard buying this particular 'pretty lady' a drink."

His 'nice guy' demeanor dropped in an instant, eyes narrowing and shoulders tensing. There was shuffling all around me, another glance showing his lapdogs refusing to play along with a clueless facade. Their eyes burrowed into any angle they could reach me, a dangerous threat rippling over the now seemingly crowded room. "How do you know who I am?"

A scoff escaped me, fingers curling around my glass and allowing it to hover mere millimeters from my lips. "It's your city, isn't it(?)" I drained half the drink before offering the vampire a tilt of my head under the guise of my attention, "I'd be pretty dumb to waltz around this supernatural hot spot without knowing my facts."

My fluttering lashes and careless tone forced the man's jaw to clench, it seems I have that effect on a couple of residents today... "And what facts would those be?"

"You mean you and your guys gaining the leverage of the town's control by cursing the local pack of werewolves? Or you slipping into the leadership chair after chasing the Mikaelsons out of town?"

His face inched closer, expression growing deadly, "What do you know of the Mikaelsons?"

"I think that's a discussion we best have in private," I finished my drink with a wink.

"And why would that be?"

"Because your decision today could make me your greatest and most powerful friend, Mr. Gerrard. That or a pretty hefty enemy."

He couldn't hold back the small spurt of laughter that escaped him. I was unfazed by his blatant disrespect as I rolled my eyes, ignoring the idiot until he managed to compose himself. "A-and what makes you believe I should fear a firecracker like yourself? 'Cos from the sounds of it, you're all bark and no bite(!)"

My irritation flared with the jab, control of my attempt at patience slipping as I reached for his drink. I emptied the glass, tongue buzzing from the strength of the whiskey. It burned like a bitch, but at least it stopped me from doing something I'll regret... "That's pretty rich coming from a coward."

His eyes narrowed, humor quickly diminishing, "What do you mean?"

"Well, from what I know of you, your backbone holds the same consistency as cooked spaghetti. As much as you want to portray the strong and powerful leader in front of all your little minions here," my motioning was blatant, "I know you for who you truly are."

His lips quirked upward with a small twitch, confidence battling to smother his concern... "And who is that?"

"A man only capable of holding the title he does because he coerced a lovesick Rebekah Mikaelson to call their family's greatest fear to town so you could steal her brother's work from under his feet. You didn't earn this city, Marcel. It fell into your lap because of dirty tactics and the manipulation of a hopeless romantic. A woman you allowed to remain daggered so you could become immortal, and still she was stupid enough to believe your feelings were honest back then. Maybe in the future it'll change, but all that you were was desperate for any semblance of power after the horrors of your childhood. I don't blame you for that, to be honest, but don't expect me to fear this 'King of the Quarter' facade..."

His shock was more satisfying than if I would have actually struck him, the silence expanding until the room threatened suffocation. A myriad of emotions flickered in the depths of Marcel's eyes, concern and confusion bubbling to be the most prominent before he finally parted his lips to speak. "May we speak in private?" His voice had grown quieter, eyes overwhelmed with the need to know who I was and why I knew what I knew.

"Call your dogs off and I'll consider following you to the compound after my next drink."

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXHrfIZe484... (Shark Attack by Grouplove)


Thanks for reading x

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