8: Hiding Mommie Dearest

Start from the beginning

"I suppose I don't have much of a choice--"

"I'm not threatening you, Celeste." I made clear, tone sharpening on instinct. "I merely need your aid and am willing to offer some information you may find beneficial in response."

Her eyes were quick to meet me, assess me. "No tricks?"

"Not today, not with you." I promised, fingers itching to cross over and hide behind my back.

"Fine," she pushed herself into a more confident position. "Meet me in the Lafayette Cemetery in an hour. If you're even a minute late, I refuse to hear you out."

A smirk twitched on my lips, "I understand."

"Good," the open sign on her stall was quickly flipped, the witch wasting no time to put distance between us, my eyes dancing with amusement as I watched her hurriedly gather what she needed and run. I reached toward her make-shift stall, the home base for her guided tours around New Orleans being how the withered table and basic trinkets were described by a local human. I plucked a map from its friends, scanning the miniaturized version of the streets I currently walked on.

I just hoped I could finish my business with the Fleur-de-Lis Sanatorium before asking Celeste for a favor...

That same awe struck me when I walked through the cemetery. The stars in the sky were becoming brighter and brighter, a gentle mist clinging to the ground and heightening the mystical atmosphere that rippled throughout the entire city. The structure was a bit of a maze, my brain convinced I'd passed the same tomb thrice before Sabine's body finally came into view. She was checking her watch, foot impatiently tapping as nerves tightened her shoulders. I checked my phone, smirk spreading when I saw I still had three minutes before her warning could take effect.

"You're here," she wasn't impressed. Her posture somehow grew more rigid when she folded her arms across her chest and flared her nostrils. "Fine. We have our privacy, so, what is it that you wished to discuss?"

"First off, I can promise you that the secret of your identity won't be revealed because of my error." Her eyes narrowed with skepticism, "I only want two spells from you. In return, I can offer you two pieces of information pertaining to your future."

Her jaw clenched in thought, "I'm listening."

I struggled to smother my smugness, "I'm not a fan of the spell you did to bind the Crescent wolf pack to a full moon, I'd like that reversed please. As well as that, I'd like you to bewitch this necklace," a silver chain clutching a purple stone was tugged from my pocket, "The spell should ensure certain movements of the necklace when hovering above a pregnant persons stomach, signaling whether the sex of their baby is a boy or a girl." Her brow crumpled into a frown, "It'll get my friend out of a tough bind if she were to learn her baby's sex through me and no one else."

"Well, the second one'll be easy." Again, she seemed utterly bewildered by the thought of me traveling all this way to request such a simple charm. "Though the first is where I'll need you to step on the breaks. You know I did that spell at Marcel's request, going back on that would only result in my end."

"You say it like you won't just jump into another body and live on," she glared. "Can you really be insulted by me recounting the truth?"

Her resolve gradually shrank, "That's beside the point--"

"I'll handle Marcel," she scoffed at my promise. "Strange(!) It almost seems as though you're underestimating me."

She reigned in her irritation, straightening her posture and struggling to maintain her poker face. "I don't mean to insult you, but no matter what enhancements you've made or knowledge you carry--you're still a vulnerable human."

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