"She's... I can't describe her, not exactly. She's gorgeous, right fit but she's also.. Dunno, she puts up this front but it's not who she really is. She can be surrounded by people but she still just seems.. alone I guess."

"I meant describe what she looks like." Nate looks at me questioningly. "Since when are you concerned with more then how hot a girl is?"

"I don't know." I mutter. "Don't know what's gotten into me. Going a bit mad I think."

"Just do what you always do. When you see her again, take her home. Job done. She'll be out of your mind by the time you get your pants back on."

I nod, staring down at the floor as I picture long blonde hair and full pink lips. "Yeah.. Same as I always do."

"Do yourself a favor and go out with me tonight. Been forever since we've gotten good and drunk."

"Been forever since I have you mean. You're right p.issed every other night."

"True." Nate laughs. "But you need to unwind. And as your best friend, it's my place to make sure you do."

"Alright. Could use a night out I reckon."

"You won't regret it." Nate slaps me on the shoulder roughly. "I've gotta go, have a very stimulating business class to sleep through. Meet you at Marquee at say.. Midnight?"

"Midnight." I nod, standing up and stretching my limbs.

"Drinks are on you!" Nate yells as he heads towards the door.

"Course they are." I chuckle as the doors close behind him, glancing around me for a jump rope to finish out my training for the day.

The rest of the afternoon and evening go by quickly, Coach only having to yell at me once more for not following his orders.

Not giving a shite about my desire to just hit something for a bit.

I really do need to unwind.

After a long hot shower and quick meal, I head towards Marquee. One of Nate's favorite night clubs.

Can't say I blame him for being partial to it. The drinks are always strong, the music good, and the women fit.

I've never left alone or without having a bit of fun in the loo.

It's the perfect place to forget about certain unattainable long legged blondes.

Nate is waiting for me at the curb, chatting up a few girls that look far to young to be able to bring inside.

I give them a smile and a nod hello before steering Nate towards the entrance of the club.

We're let straight in by the bouncer, a lad Nate knows well enough to fist bump as we walk past him.

The club is just how I remembered it. Loud, hot, and crowded.

We make a beeline for the bar, each ordering our usuals for a night out. Nate a light beer and me a whiskey on the rocks.

We survey our prospects for the night as we quickly finish off our first drinks and order a second. There's no shortage of beautiful woman on the dance floor. At Marquee there never is.

But for some reason, I don't spot one that stands out to me. Not one that makes me want to put forth the effort to ensure she leaves with me.

"Black dress, two o'clock." Nate calls dibs on his choice for the night. "You find one yet?"

The Most Dangerous Game (Harry Styles AU)Where stories live. Discover now