Chapter Five

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Lexi's POV

I wake up to see my phone on my dresser plugged up but I don't remember putting it there. Even though I really didn't care I wanted to know.

I eventually got up and started getting ready. Today's the last day of school and I'm feeling pretty good. I decide on wearing a plain black shirt with blue jean shorts and a red and black flannel tide around my waist with my black vans.

Since I was feeling good today I decided to straighten my hair. After I was done and ready I went down stairs and asked my brother for a ride.

"Noah can you drive me to school?"


I'm glad he said yes. I did not want to ride that bus. Especially since it's the last day of school. I want to get to school a little early so I'll have more time with my friends.

"So Lexi who was that boy you were on FaceTime with?"

"What? How do you know about that?"

"I walked into you're room last night and you both were sound asleep so I took and ended the call and plugged up your phone"

"Oh, well thanks. His name is Shawn"

"How come I haven't meet him?"

"Because he lives in Canada"

"Canada? How did you meet him then"

"Oh look we're at school see you later Noah"

Perfect timing. I did not want to have to tell him and then he will lecture me on talking to strangers. He's probably gonna ask about it when he picks me up later so I'll just have to try and avoid him as best as I can.

*Skip to the end of the school day*

Once the bell rang I didn't walk out in a hurry. It's not like I'm coming back tomorrow. I took my time getting to my locker and got all my belongings out and headed towards the front entrance. When I walked out the door my brothers car was parked in front of the school waiting for me. I ran over to the car and got in.

"How was the last day?"


"So how did you meet Shawn?"

"Can we not talk about this right now"

"Why not"

"Because when I tell you you're just gonna give me some lecture"

"Try me"

"Ok so it was like at the beginning of the week and Shawn texted me thinking I was his friend Nash and so I told him I wasn't and we got to talking and now we're close friends"

"So you talked to a stranger"

"See this is what I was talking about. Yeah I talked to a stranger but look where it got me. I have a new friend that I really like"

As soon as I got those words out my mouth we pulled into the driveway. Thank the lord. I got out of there as fast as I could and ran up to my room. Once I was in my room I shut the door and texted Shawn.

Lexi: Hey Shawn

Shawn: Hey Lexi

Lexi: How are you?

Shawn: Good, you?

Lexi: Okay. My brother keeps getting on my nerves.

Shawn: why?

Lexi: he found out how we meet and started lecturing me on not to talk to strangers.

Shawn: Oh, well I'm not a stranger. At least not for long.

Lexi: I know. So when are you coming down?

Shawn: sometime in June

Lexi: so any day now

Shawn: yeah

Lexi: I have a question Shawn

Shawn: ok

Lexi: What are we? Like best friends or just friends?

Shawn: Best friends definitely

Lexi: well I have to go it's dinner time. I will talk to you later best friend

Shawn: bye best friend. Love you

Lexi: I love you to

After I told Shawn I love him to I got this weird feeling in my stomach. Like butterflies. But I can't like Shawn we're best friends and we haven't even met yet.

I made my way downstairs for dinner. My mom was setting the table. Not sure where Noah is.

"Hey hunny. We're having Chicken and Rice"

I like the Chicken but I'm not really a big fan of rice. I go and sit down as my mom finishes setting the table. Noah soon runs down the stairs and sits across from me. My mom sits at the head of the table.

*After Dinner*

After dinner I go up stairs and decide to finish watching Teen Wolf on Netflix and that's how I spend my Friday night.

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