Chapter Eleven

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Lexi's POV

I woke up the next morning feeling great. I got up and got dressed with the cloths that my parents dropped off last night. Once I was ready I waited for the doctor to come release me.

"Ms. Taylor?"


"You're ready to go home. Your parents are in the waiting room"

"Ok, thank you"

"Your welcome"

I walked into the waiting room to see my mom and dad.

"Hey sweetie"

"Hey mom"

"You ready to go?"

"Yeah. Where's Noah?"

"He went to a friends"


The rest of the way home was quite. I didn't know what to say so I just listened to music. When we got home I went straight to my room and laid down on my bed. Oh how I missed my bed. I ended up falling asleep while laying down.

When I woke up it was 1 I had sleep for about three hours. I sat up and grabbed my phone and saw I had a text from Shawn.

Shawn: Hey

Lexi: Hey

Shawn: What are you up to?

Lexi: Nothing just laying around

Shawn: Would you like to hang out?

Lexi: Sure, when?

Shawn: Now if that's ok

Lexi: Yeah that's perfect

Shawn: Ok I'll be there in 30 minutes

Lexi: Ok, bye. I love you

Shawn: I love you to

After I stopped texting Shawn I ran to the bathroom and took a quick shower. Once I got out I put on some ripped jeans, a shirt that said YOLO and my vans. I straightened my hair and added a little make up.

Once I finished I heard a knock at the door. I ran down the stairs and opened the door.

"Hey Lexi"

"Hey Shawn"

"Let's get going shall we"

"We shall"

We walked to the car and he opened my door for me and then got in.

"So where are we going?"

"It's a surprise"

"I hate surprises"

"Oh well"

After about five minutes we pulled into a little café. We went in and got some hot chocolate. I got a bagel to go with mine while Shawn got a muffin.

"Why'd you get a bagel instead of a muffin?" Shawn asked

"Bagels are the best thing on this planet"

"What about me?"

"Well.. I guess you are kinda tied with the bagels"

I took my time and ate my bagel and drank my hot chocolate while Shawn basically devoured his muffin and went to get another one.

"I'm guessing you really like muffins"

"No.. I love them"

"I think I'm gonna start calling you muffin boy"

"Then I'll start calling you bagel girl"

"Why bagel girl?"

"Because you rather have a bagel than a muffin"


When I was done we threw our stuff away and got back in the car headed to who know where. I had my had on the center console and Shawn took and grabbed my hand and held it.

"Is this ok?"

"Yeah. So where to now?"

"I was thinking we could go to my hotel room and just watch Netflix"

"Sounds good"

We got to Shawn's hotel room and went to the kitchen to make some popcorn. After making some we laid on the bed and picked Harry Potter. We were halfway through the movie when there was a knock at Shawn's room door.

"Shawn we're going out for dinner now"


Shawn paused the movie and grabbed my hand a ran out the door. When we got out the door there was a woman and a man standing there. I recognized them from the hospital. There was a young girl with them to who I'm assuming was Shawn's sister.

"Oh, who is this?"

"This is Lexi" Shawn said smiling at me.

"The girl you're always talking about?" The younger girl asked.

"Shut up Aaliyah"

"You shut up Shawn"

"Both of you just hush" There mother said.

"So Lexi I am Shawn's mother Karen and this is Aaliyah Shawn's sister and Shawn's father Manny"

"Nice to meet you Mr and Mrs Mendes you to Aaliyah"

"Well we don't want to be late so let's go"

We all pilled into the car Mr and Mrs Mendes in the front Aaliyah and Shawn beside the windows and me in the middle. We pulled up to a restaurant and got out and went to a table.

"So tell us about yourself Lexi"

"Well what would you like to know?"

"What school do you go to?"

"Princeton High School"

"What are your intentions after high school"

"Well, I would like to become a journalist. I've always loved writing"

"Would you like to have kids in the future?"

"MOM!" Shawn shouts

"What its just a question"

"It's okay Shawn. Actually I would. I want to have a boy and a girl"

"Ok, are you and Shawn dating?"

"No. Just best friends"

"Okay this is enough question guys you're gonna scare her off"

I chuckled at what Shawn was saying.

"It's getting late I should be getting home"

"Let me drive you"

"It's was nice meeting you all"

"you to Lexi I hope to see you soon"

We walked to Shawn's car and he opened my door for me again. The ride to my house was silent but it was a comfortable silence. We got to my house and Shawn walked me to the door.

"I had fun tonight"

"So did I. I hope we can do it again"

"Definitely. I'll text you later"

"Ok. I love you Lexi"

"I love you to"

He leaned in and kissed me on the cheek and walked to his car smiling. I went inside and went to bed with a smile on my face. Today was amazing..

(A/N: I'm gonna start doing the word count thing that others are doing)

Word count: 964

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