Chapter Ten

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Lexi's POV

I wake up in a white room. Where am I? What happened? Then all the memories came back I was crying and then got into a wreck. I look down at my leg and see its in a cast so is my arm. Pain shoots through my leg making me scream in pain. I click the button for a nurse and she comes running in.

"Glad to see your finally awake"

"Could I have some pain medicine or something for my leg?"

"Sure I'll be right back"

She leaves then comes back with two pills and a glass of water.

"Thank you"

"Your welcome. Would you like me to tell your family to come on back?"

"Yes please"

She disappears again and comes back with my family and friends.

"Omg your okay" Rachel says pulling me into a bone crushing hug.

"Rachel.. can't breathe.. Hurts.."

"Oops sorry I just got to excited"

"It's fine"

Next came my mom.

"Hey mom"

"Hey sweetie. How are you?"

"Good my leg hurts"

"I bet"

Then my dad.

"I'm so glad your okay Lexi"

"So am I"

"You had us all scared to death"


Then came my brother.

"Hey Lexi"

"Hey Noah"

"You good?"

"Do I look good?"


I just laughed. Then came Dylan..

"Hey Dyl"

"Hey Lex"

"Dyl I want you to know its not your fault"

"But it is! If I wouldn't have done what I did you wouldn't be here"

"Dyl it's ok. It's not your fault. It's mine"

"I love you Lex"

"I love you to Dyl"

Then we hugged. After that we jut sat and talked.

"So who was driving the other car?"

"We don't know"

"Is that person okay?"

"He or she is in a coma"

"Omg that's terrible"

"Yeah his family's been here ever since the accident"

"Can you find out the guy's name?"

"I can ask but why do you want to know?"

"Because I may know him"


Then my mom walks out to go find out. While she's gone we just sat there in silence. I didn't know what to say so I took my phone out to see I had 7 text from Shawn.

Shawn: Hey Lexi

Shawn: Lexi

Shawn: Look I know you're mad at me for some reason but please answer me

Shawn: Lexi please

Shawn: I guess you must be really mad

Shawn: what ever I did I'm sorry but we can't get past it if you won't talk to me

Shawn: I love you Lexi always have always will

That was the last text I received from Shawn it was a coupe minutes before the accident happened. I decided I should text him back

Lexi: Hey sorry Shawn. Look don't worry about why I was mad it was stupid lets just forget it

When I looked up from my phone the door to my room opened and the doctor and my mom walked in.

"Hey doc"

"Hello Alexis"

"Just Lexi"

"Well Lexi, you seem to be doing fine so you will be released tomorrow morning"

"That's great!"

"Yes it is"

"Hey Doc, could you tell me who the other person in the accident was?"

"I'm not aloud to say"

"Please doc I just need to know"

"His name is Shawn Mendes"

I swear as soon as he said that my face turns white as a ghost. Was he talking about my Shawn? Omg this can't be.

"S-Shawn M-Mendes?"


"Omg no. This can't be happening!"

I just sat there and cried in front of everyone in the room. I didn't care Shawn was in the hospital. My Shawn was in the hospital.. All because of me.

Everyone was telling me to calm down and wondering why I was crying. After they got me calm I decided I would answer there questions.

"How do you know Shawn?"

"He's my best friend Or was I'm not sure we kinda had a falling out and he texted me saying he was sorry just minutes before the accident"

"Would you like to go see him?"

"Yes please"

I get up and walk with the doctor to Shawn's room. When the doctor opens the door a man and woman were sitting beside his bed who I assume are his parents.

"Mr and Mrs Mendes this is Alexis Taylor. She's a friend of Shawn's and was in the other vehicle in the accident. She came to see Shawn"

They didn't say anything just looked at me. I walked into the room and went to the opposite side of the bed his parents were on. He was so pale and cold. I grabbed his hand and just held onto it and started crying.

"I'm so sorry Shawn I never meant for any of this to happen. I'm sorry for being mad at you and not answering your text messages. I'm sorry for running off in the mall. I'm sorry for putting you here. I'm so so sorry. If I could take it back I would this is all my fault"

"I love you Lexi"

I looked up and see Shawn staring at me.


I grabbed him and hugged him like my life depended on it.

"I'm so sorry"

"Stop saying that none of this is your fault. If anything it's my fault I wasn't looking at the road I was looking at my phone. Instead of paying attention I kept texting you. I know I shouldn't have been texting and driving but I couldn't stand you being mad at me"

"Shawn, I'm sorry about being mad it was a stupid reason anyways so let's just put it in the past"

"Sounds good to me. I love you Lexi"

"I love you to Shawn"

We just sit there hugging until the doctor says something. I totally forgot the doctor and his parents were here.

"So Shawn your awake which is good. We didn't know how long you'd stay asleep. But you seem to be doing well so you can leave tomorrow morning"

"Good. So Lexi, would you like to hang out when we get out of here?"

"I'd love to"

Wrong Number (Shawn Mendes)Where stories live. Discover now