Chapter Four

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Lexi's POV

Shawn: Good morning Lexi. I just wanted to wish you good luck on your exam today! You'll do amazing as always! xoxo

I loved when Shawn sends me good morning text. There so cute and no one has ever done that for me so it's new to me. After I'm up and ready I head out the door to school. I decided to walk today to clear my head since I have an exam. Once I arrive at school I'm a little nervous. I find my class and sit down and wait till we start.

*Skip to Lunch*

I make my way to the cafeteria and see my friends. I jog over to there table and sit down.

"So how was y'all's exams?" My friend Rachel ask.

I hear courses of good and boring. Which they're always boring so that's nothing new. We soon get on topic of some famous guys that are coming here during the summer. But I zone out not paying attention. I'm snapped back into reality when my phone rings and everyone stops talking an looks at me.

I look down at my phone and see its Shawn calling.

(Shawn= S, Lexi= L)

S: Hey Lexi

L: Hey Shawn

S: What's up?

L: Just at lunch

S: Oh crap, I forgot you were at school. Sorry I shouldn't have called.

L: No Shawn it's fine.

S: Are you sure?

L: Positive

S: awesome so are we still on for the Harry Potter marathon over FaceTime tonight?

L: Definitely. Hey, I have to go the bell just rang but I will text you when I get out.

S: Okay bye love

L: Bye Shawn

After I get off the phone Everyone was standing around me waiting.

"So Shawn Eh?" My friend Claire ask.

"He's just a friend"

"And why haven't we meet this Shawn?"

"Because he lives in Canada"


"Yeah, he's from Canada"

"How did you guys meet"

"Oh we haven't actually meet. He accidentally texted me instead of his friend Nash"

"So he could be some old man"

"He's not though. He's a 17 year old boy"

"How do you know?"

"I don't but I'm pretty sure he is. I'll find out tonight because we're gonna FaceTime while watching Harry Potter"

"Ok, cool. We should get to class"


After school got out I went home and immediately texted Shawn and told him that I was home. Not soon after I got a FaceTime call from him. I was a little nervous. This was the first time we would ever see each other's face and I was really hoping he wasn't an old man.

I answered the call and a boy who looked 16 showed up. Thank god he was a old man. But he was pretty attractive. He had brown hair, brown eyes, and an amazing smile. We both just stared at each other for what seemed like forever until someone finally spoke.

"Hey Lexi"

"Hey Shawn"

After talking for a little bit we started to
Watch Harry Potter halfway through the movie Shawn started to get
Sleepy and so did I but I didn't say anything. I tried to keep my eyes open but it got kinda hard so I just let them shut.

Wrong Number (Shawn Mendes)Where stories live. Discover now