11. Closer

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Chapter Eleven:

Liam, Cress, Brett and Mason all stuck close together as they trekked through the dark and gloomy woods. The sun had fallen long ago, moon beaming down on them and the trees seemed to make everything so much darker, casting horrid shadows upon their path.

Mason cowardly stuck behind the three wolves. He knew wolves only turned on full but he was still a little anxious.

"You sure you know where you're going?" Brett asked, a deep concern taking over his thoughts.

"I know where I am." Liam said surely, more determined. Cress decided to fall back a bit and walk alongside Mason. He nodded and gave her a shadow of a smile, eyes darting amid the group in wonder.

"So do I," Brett renounced, spreading his hands in agitation. "We're in the middle of nowhere." His eyelids drooped lazily as his voice came out in a bored drawl.

There was a snap of a branch and a loud screech of terror that came from behind them. They both turned back.

Cress watched as Mason tumbled into the hole. She looked back up, wearing an expression of defense. "I didn't push him, I swear."

Liam and Brett exchanged an amused smirk before hurrying to gather around the hole.

They all looked down at Mason who rubbed his head. "I think I found it." He groaned painfully.

"You see the necklace?" Cress asked, eyes already scanning the ground of the hole. Mason turned the flashlight from his phone down at the leaves beneath him. He spun in a full circle, heedfully kicking aside leaves as he went.

"No, I don't see it." Mason grimaced back up.

Brett lowered himself to a crouch, extending his hand; which Mason gratefully clutched onto as Brett hurled Mason from the hole.

"Liam, I thought you said this was a sink hole." Mason frowned in confusion, kneeling to look back into the hole with studying eyes.

"It's a hole, what's the difference?" Liam shrugged, obviously not interested.

"Look at all these hand prints." Mason uttered as the three wolves knelt around to see what he was observing. "And look at all this dirt." Mason shovelled a handful dirt into his palm before releasing and letting it fall back to the ground, forming a minuscule mound.

"She didn't fall in here." Brett muttered, realisation dawning across his features.

"She was buried." Liam added grimly.

"Intense." Mason nodded thoughtfully.


Liam crouched in the hole, flashlight turned on as he spun around and moved leaves out of the way.

Where was it? 

"Why isn't it here?" Liam asked of no one in particular.

"She probably came back for it." Brett answered, making no attempt to hide his boredom.

"I don't think this is the one." Liam said jumping from the hole and landing on his feet perfectly. Mason shook his head in awe.

"What do you mean?" Cress asked, eyebrows slighting raised in curiosity.

"It was closer to the bridge." Liam said, sounding more surely of himself. "Much closer. This is a different hole."

"Then who crawled out of this one?" Mason asked fearfully, a mortified expression taking over his earlier neutral one.

They all stared down the hole with grim expressions. Yup, this was creepy.

Cress' phone buzzed. She looked down to see who it was from; Theo. Great.

Can you meet us at the police dept ASAP??

"Guys, I gotta go." Cress exhaled a large lungful or air. With a reluctant but cheerful smile, she turned and sprinted back towards where they'd all come from.

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