Neither brother comments on my murder; instead, Blake decides to ask other questions; questions I wish he'd save for when I'm in more of a tolerable mood.

"Is this the place you hid from our father?"

"I was supposed to," I comment, sitting down in the middle of the floor and opening the bag of cookies.

"You didn't?"


"... Where did you hide, if not here?"

I look up at Blake's candlelit features, gauging his expression, his curiosity and his interest.

"The day I tell you that, you'll know I trust you."

Blake scoffs. "So basically I'll never know the answer."

"Not necessarily. Maybe if you stop acting like a jerk all the time and drop your need to be in control, you'll be halfway there."

He scowls at my words. I smirk.

Kale sits down diagonally to me, also facing the bag of cookies. "I love cookies," he grins boyishly, grabbing some out.

After a few minutes, I notice Blake standing against the bare bit of wall beside the ladder, watching us.

"You know, there are plenty here if you want some." I stick one in my mouth, as though mocking him. There won't be plenty for long.

"I'm fine."

"You're hungry. Eat."

Kale chuckles, looking amused before speaking quietly. "Harper, he's allergic to chocolate."

My eyes widen. "That's unfortunate," I shrug. "More for us. At least I know your kryptonite now. If I ever need to torture you, I'll hold a piece of chocolate next to your mouth and you'll tell me all of your darkest secrets."

Kale laughs, but Blake's scowl worsens. I roll my eyes teasingly and chuck him a bag of chicken chips I scavenged from the pantry. "I hope you're not allergic to chicken flavouring as well."

"Very funny," he says drily, opening the bag.

Kale and I finish the cookies off in no time, just as something occurs to me.

"You guys spent time in the Mortal world, didn't you?"

The brothers pause. "Why do you say that?" Kale asks cautiously.

"Because you don't act out of place. You know what everything is. You knew what Kryptonite was."

"Doesn't everyone?"

"During the time I spent with Brayden I discovered how uneducated you mob were about where I come from. He didn't understand any of the catchphrases or idioms I said, nor did he know what an iPod was. What's your story? Why the change?"

They look hesitant. Blake's face turns hard. "The day I tell you, you'll know I trust you."

I scoff. "It all boils down to trust then, doesn't it? Let me ask you this: have I ever given you a reason not to trust me?"

"It doesn't mean you won't give me a reason in the future. Anyway, you're the Destroyer; you destroy. Why trust you if you'll only destroy that trust?"

"I'm getting really tired of you insulting me all the time," I tell him honestly. "Be real for once, Blake. You judge someone by their actions, not reputation or rumour."

"So you don't believe you're the Destroyer? Wait- of course you don't. You'd like to believe you're the Saviour."

"I'm not saying I'm either. Have you seen any proof, any at all, that I'm anyone unordinary?"

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