DARKNESS | Chapter 7

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'Every day is an adventure.'
- Unknown


I slap my wrist, turning the mosquito that had been sucking my blood into nothing more than a red smudge across my wrist, of which the rain immediately washes away for me.

"Hey, how much further is it to this 'Rebel Cove' place?" I speak up, projecting my voice over the rain to Brayden, who walks in front of me, leading the way through the seemingly endless forest.

"Another half a day."

"You know, I'm really beginning to think this place doesn't even exist," I mutter sourly, slapping at yet another mosquito as the rain decides to get even heavier, sticking my drenched hair to my face and neck and flicking the mud up on my shoes. "Either that or we're lost."

"Could you just stop whinging!" He exclaims annoyedly.

"Can't you just run us there? You're 'lightning fast'." As if on cue, a lightning bolt streaks across the sky, accompanied by a loud clap of thunder.

That was such a great pun, if I may say so myself.

"I do need time to recuperate, you know. We tire out as well."

"Really? I thought you were invicible? You know, so much better than us mere Mortals."

"I've never said that."

"Oh please. I know that's what you all think."

"In our defense, its true, isn't it? I mean, what can they do that we can't?"

"In case you haven't realised, I am one of them."

"You hardly classify as Mortal, Harper. You know much about our life now. More than any other Mortal has ever known."

"So you're saying I don't belong anywhere? I'm neither Immortal nor Mortal? Is that not good enough for you, Brayden? Should I go die and become Immortal like the rest of you?" My words come out more acidic than I'd intended.

"Don't be so rash. No one has ever successfully died and become an Immortal. The only Immortals are ones that have been born into the bloodline."

"But Marcus said-"

"Its a rumour. Several people have died that have had close ties to the Immortal world, but none have survived whatever 'transition' is supposed to take place."

I'm stuck a Mortal in an Immortal world.

This scares me more than it should.

"You know, it would be appreciated if you guys actually filled me in on some things every once in a while instead of having me ask for every little detail."

Brayden whacks a branch out of the way rather violently, as though releasing anger.

"You are one of us, Harper. Stop referring to the Rebellion as 'you guys'. You are apart of this 'you guys'."


Positivity, Harper. Be positive. Remember what Kat taught you.

"Why are you so stubborn? Just accept it, Bryant. You. Are. Apart. Of. This. World. You can't change that, so stop trying to."

"Why are you so secretive?"

"Were not secretive-"

"You are, Caulfield-"

"You're just our first visitor in a long, long time. We never accept new people unless we know they're fully devoted. They could be spies."

"So, what?"

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