DARKNESS | Chapter 15

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"Good girls are found in every corner of the Earth. Unfortunately, the Earth is round."
- Unknown.


The moonlight shining in through Kale's bedroom window in the early hours of the morning is the first thing I notice as my eyes slowly open. It casts a silvery glow across the room, creating enough light to see by.

The second thing I notice is Kale.

Or, more specifically, his chest.

My hands are loosely pressed against his chest, my face buried in his neck. Kale's left arm is draped lazily over my waist, his chin gently resting on the top of my head. Our legs are entangled, warmth radiating between our bodies, and the rise and fall of his chest proves a comforting, lulling rhythm.

I'd be lying if I said I wanted to move.

Although I'm surprised we ended up in such an... intimate position; the contentedness I'm feeling can only be put down to our attachment.

Wanting to avoid any awkwardness that Kale waking up and finding us like this could arise, I slowly slip out from under his arm and glide across the bed.

Shivering slightly as a chill comes over me, I peer out through his window, onto the Shadow village below.

No one is in sight, and no fires are lit.

The sight triggers the memory of the secret tunnel that I had seen from Blake's balcony.

It's time to check it out.


The night air is cold as the guards allow me to pass through the castle's back door, making me glad I decided to put on a velvety black hoodie and a pair of black jeans with my black converses.

That's the thing about Ash. He's obsessed with the colour black.

He'd been considerate enough to supply me all of my clothes since I arrived at his castle, but every single item is black. I didn't understand it when someone said the colour black was depressing, until I opened my wardrobe each morning to find nothing but black.

I'm not sure if it's the fact that there is no colour or the fact that I have no choice that is the most depressing.

My shoes pad quietly against the cobblestone path, the light of the almost-full-moon shining down and generously providing me enough light to see by.

Walking past the first house, I note that it's occupants must still be sleeping. In fact, as I look up, I notice that every single house is dark.

Looks like there's no one to give me potential directions.

Picturing the town as I had seen it from Blake's balcony, I continue heading straight, down what I had noted was the main street. The alleyways between some of the houses are spooky, looking like they lead into nothing but blackness.

Shivering slightly with the air fresh against my face, I pull the hoodie up over my head and bury my hands in the pockets, allowing my brown hair to flow down the front of my shoulders.

After another few minutes, I arrive in an opened out area with the still-glowing remnants of a recently burned bonfire apparent.

This was where the bonfire had been. Where the dancing had happened. Where the one fire stick had left from and moved away, only to disappear into the ground.

Closing my eyes and once again picturing Blake's view, I concentrate on the path I had saw it take.

However seeing as I lack the ability of a photographic memory, everything is confused.

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