DARKNESS | Chapter 19

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(^^ >> I found this quote really ironic seeing as Blake, Kale and Ash's people are the 'Shadows'.)


"The best thing a woman can have is her shit together."
- Unknown


"Who the fuck are the Illuminants?" I ask incredulously, as Blake groans quietly in protest of his gag.

"They're another group of Immortals. They're supposed to be all about 'seeing the light' and 'goodness' and 'we can stop the Shadows and the Rebels'- but don't be fooled," Kat warns in a whisper. "They're brutal. Not scared to kill anyone as long as they say it's for their common cause."

Blake begins to squirm until Brayden punches his shoulder mercilessly.

"I think he wants to say something," I state, eyeing Blake cautiously. Blake nods his head, the movement only just managing not to rustle any leaves.

"Absolutely not," Brayden hisses, not tearing his eyes away from the three Illuminant guys.

I lean down next to Blake's ear, my voice coming out in a hoarse, authoritative whisper.

"If you even think about giving us away, we will make your life hell. We're more than capable of doing so in your current predicament."

Blake nods his head.

"You'll keep quiet?"


I slowly untie the slip of cloth from around Blake's mouth, fully expecting him to go back on his words and sell us to the enemy- or his father. I wouldn't put it past him.

"And the blindfold?" He whispers.


"Please, Harper. I can help you."

"You mean you can run away. What's that going to do for us, Blake? Create a diversion?"

"I know you don't trust me but we don't have time for this. Untie the damn blindfold or you'll be taken prisoner."

My internal battle reaches it's height as I stare down at Blake. The sarcastic, rude, untrustworthy brother of my significant other, who I would not trust my life with.

Yet I find myself undoing his blindfold.

I so do not have my shit together.

Blake's eyes immediately lock on the guards, scanning them up and down.

"We can easily take them out. What are you waiting for?"

Brayden squints at something he thinks he sees, completely ignoring the hushed voice of our prisoner who has surprisingly managed to remain truthful.

"What would you do?" I ask Blake, seeking his advice against my better judgement. Blake would probably aim to concoct some wicked potion that makes his enemies suffer extensively until they finally die, his smirking face being the last thing they ever see.

"Use Kat's bow-and-arrow, of course. Or sword combat. There's only three and there's three of us-"

"Four," I state pointedly, sending him a small glare.

"Don't kid yourself, Harper. You couldn't wield a sword to save your life. You wouldn't have the first clue."

I almost blurt that Brayden taught me exactly how to wield a sword to save my life, but then I remember Blake is the enemy. It's better to have him underestimating just in case I have to face him in the future. I need whatever advantage I can get.

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