DARKNESS | Chapter 26

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It can be hard to remain strong in the worst of times. Despite the encouraging, optimistic advice you try to sell to yourself, there are moments when everything you've done- everything you're still doing- feels worthless; as though it was all just a complete and utter waste of time.

"It's just a damn waterfall," Blake tells us for the fifth time, clearly agitated.

My right hand holds Kale's dead-weight arm over my shoulders, offering him whatever support I can. My left arm is snaked around his waist, urging him forwards.

His condition has undoubtedly worsened. Every breath he draws is deep and raspy, almost as though it pains him to persist with his air intake. Every step is a dragging motion of his foot as his persistent mind battles his reluctant body in an effort to continue moving. His face is ghostly pale; his weary being racked with shivers as yet another fever begins to grip him. He hasn't spoken a word in a while, too focused on merely trying to keep himself upright.

Gently, I try to help Kale to the floor. Halfway down he seems to just collapse, eager to lie motionless. His shivering worsens, body shaking as he curls up into a ball to retain whatever warmth he can manage. Quickly, I rummage through my backpack and retrieve his sleeping bag, rolling it out beside his failing body.

"Come on," I tell him gently, "roll onto it, Kale. It's the last thing you have to do. We'll camp here tonight." As expected, he doesn't budge as I speak the words. Carefully, I try to push him onto it, urging him to move one more time. Eventually, he complies and I throw the blanket over him, zipping up the bag like a cocoon. "You've done well," I tell him, running my hand through his hair briefly before pushing up off the ground and walking over to Blake. He stands by the edge of the river, which leads into a small lake-type body of water. The waterfall gushes over jagged rocks, tumbling into the small lake not far away from us.

Blake looks to be fixed in deep thought, eyes seeming to subconsciously scan the surrounding forest.

"Isn't there anything we can do for him?"

Blake shoots me a look as if to say, 'What do you reckon?'

"He's your brother," I try. "Do you not care? Look at him, Blake. He's not in a good state."

"Anyone could have told you that."

I sigh, deciding to drop it for now and eager to get back to Kale and ensure he's alright.

"What now?" I question.

"Why are you asking me?

"Why not?"

"I don't know what we can do when we're-"

"Move a muscle and we kill him," growls a deep voice. It sends shivers down my spine and causes me to jump. The hairs on the back of my neck stand up, and it's more than obvious we're not alone, especially as spears are thrust at us from all sides, mere centimetres from the soft flesh of our necks. I freeze.

Immediately, Blake and I raise our hands in a gesture of surrender, not daring to utter a single word and barely confident enough to continue drawing breath.

"State your name and purpose," the same voice growls dangerously.

"Harper Bryant," I speak nervously, voice cracking slightly.

The figure moves around in front of me now, the two men holding spears moving to the side; the points of their weapons never face away from us.

"Bryant, did you say?"

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