DARKNESS | Chapter 11

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"Everyone has a choice."
- Unknown


Kale gazes at me with something close to curiosity.

"You didn't know."

I remain silent, unmoving, a huge weight slowly crushing my chest, making me feel minuscule.

Brayden lied.

He told me an Attachment could be undone.

Marcus lied.

He told me I would have a week before an Attachment Ceremony could be prepared.

It was already set up.

I walk backwards until I hit the wall, my hands bracing me.

It may seem like nothing, but to me this revelation is huge. I'm practically giving my life away to some guy.

I mean, what happens if I end up disliking him more than I already do?

The thought circles through my brain once more; They lied.

They didn't care. They never cared. They care not for my health, only for The Rebellion. For their people.

I'm an outsider. A mortal. A nobody.

A sacrifice.

"Brayden didn't tell you, did he?"

I slowly look up to meet Kale's eyes across the small room, sympathy and pity masking his expression.

"I don't need your pity," I spit, the deceit I feel from the Caulfields racing through my veins; consuming me. "And for your information, Brayden never told me anything unless he had to."

He kept me in the dark.

He knew about this situation I currently find myself in.

"I'm sure he had his reasons."

"What, you're defending him now?"

And then it hits me head on like a ten-tonne truck.

Maybe it isn't Brayden.

Maybe it's Kale.

He's turning me against them.

"You're lying."

He looks suddenly taken aback.

I begin to nod my head, latching onto the idea. "Yes, you're lying. It's all you. It can be undone."

"What reason would I have to lie to you?"

"Sick satisfaction," I say drily. "You hate me, and you're determined to expose my non-existent plans; what reason would you have to tell me the truth?"

Kale's blue eyes darken dangerously, as he crosses the room to stand directly in front of me.

I find myself pushing back into the solid stone wall as far as I can, wanting to escape his intense gaze and intimidating stance.

"Contrary to your opinion of me," he growls in a low voice, "I'm not a monster. I don't get kicks from seeing people suffering. I don't want to bring harm to anyone undeserving."

Unwilling to back down, I draw myself up to my full height, staring him straight in the eyes.

"I'm pretty sure your father wouldn't agree with your morals."

Kale looks like he could punch me in the face, knock me out, and lock me in this room to starve to death.

Quite frankly, I wouldn't even be surprised if things took a turn in that direction.

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