First date

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You and scott went to the fair. It was a normal date. You went on the rollar costers and went in the shoto both. Dont forget about the cotten candy and tje water guns!

Derek secretly has a soft side. He took you to a romantic dinner and it was nice. You guys kissed and things were going great untill Scott and Stiles showed up. But then you left and went to his loft and watched movie and hung out with a little holding hands here and there.

You went to see the new batman movie then after that you went out for pizza and milkshakes. After that you convinced stiles to come in and have a batmam marathon. Everything was going great untill you fell asleep cuddled up on he couch and than your mama mccall caught you and stiles sleeping together on the couch with popcorn and candy everywere and batman on the tv with the rest of the DVDs laying anywere and everywhere. It was a mess you both had to clean up before Scott woke up.

You went to a lake in beacon hills and floated lanterns like the ones in tangled and had a picnic. It was fun untill you fell into the lake but it was still fun then because you pulled him down with you.

You guys went to a party. It was horrible. You both got so drunk and couldnt even remember the night.

You guys were going to go on a romantic boat trip but there was a thunder storm and you both stayed home. You had an idea to make coolies but then got distracted and had a food fight when liam cracked an egg on your hair and than making out with liam when the coolies were in the oven. It was a mess.

You didnt go on a first date with peter. You werent 18 and he didnt want to get arrested so you guys waited till you were 18 and then you just had a dinner that got irrupted by derek.

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