Gender Steryotypes

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This is the second weirdest/worst/rudest thing that happened to me all week.(don't get me started on número uno)

An open letter to stereotyping people(oh, I don't know)

So I was with ouat123_captainswan  on Monday and she slept over at my house, but first we went to this really good
restaurant called DJs, and I have short hair, and was wearing the VERY GENDER NEUTRAL shirt (even though it's a girl's shirt)
I was also wearing these blue and green chaos and mid thigh length jean shorts.

So there was like this waitress in training or whatever, working alongside the lady that was talking our order, and the training woman had this thick accent, but I am not sure what European country it was from.

Anyways, whenever she ask if I was done with my spaghetti and gave us the check, I am PRETTY sure, she said,"are the outdone, sir"

So I was like,'did she just call meh 'sir''', and she just goes,"yup".

I wasn't mad or anything, but I can sort of understand it, bcz I usually don't wear makeup, but I certainly do not think I look like a dude, I understand being called a guy from behind, but not my FACE.

Best wished, John Green.(lol just kidding😆)

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