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Hello Random-People-That-I-Am-Thankful-Have-Actually-Taken-The-Time-To-Read-This. Before I start on this vague description of myself, I would like to address what this book is about.

To explain the title a little, I am a nerdfighter(John and Hank Green, vlogbrothers, anybody?)


Anyone who, instead of being made up of cells and organs, is made up of awesome.

A nerdfighter's job is to decrease world suck, so in this book I will try to explain the common mistakes that everyone(even myself, I speak from experience here) makes, and how to fix them for the better of the world. I will also rant about things that tick me off, and reasons to be a nerd, because, of course, nerd life is just so much better than normal life.

As I am writing this, I am in my bunk bed listening to dubstep(my favorite music is from Monstercat and Approaching Nirvana, so...), and keep in mind that I am REALLY distracted and I might not write too well. It is also Eleven at night.

Okay, I am super skinny, but REALLY tall(or people say I am). Don't you just HATE when adults do that. Like, your mom's best friend who hasn't seen you in forever is all like,"YOUR GETTING SO TALL!," I mean, I like attention and all, but SERIOUSLY. I have short hair, which I can totally recomend, and I like to read, write, draw, and gymnastics. Seriously, if you ask my friends, I do gymnastics every chance I can get.


Before I say anything else, I would like to mention my friend, thebritishstyle, and in one of her storys she mentions some writing do's and dont's, so I would like to address one thing-

There are many different components to a story-

1)hideous romance(steamy stuff)

2)fluffy stuff(like,"aaaaawwwwww," stuff)

3) action



6)tension(between characters)

Here's the rub- people over-use and under-use these thing WAY too much- so it ends up being a fan fiction to an action story, and doesn't have enough action in it- or it has so much going on, you get confused. Romance can be too clíche, or there is so much tragedy to where you are thinking,"HOW IS THIS FREAKING PERSON STILL ALIVE!"

SO KEEP ALL OF THIS ADVICE(mine and thebrutishstyle's) WHEN WRITING. THIS IS ONE OF MY PET PEEVES(another pet peeve of mine is the phrase,"pet peeve," because it is just SUPER annoying).


THANKYOU for taking the time(or wasting it) to read my chapter, plan to write lots, so If you will please excuse me, ITS ELEVEN AT NIGHT, I AM GOING TO BED.

-stay classy *winks*

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