You got a brain-USE IT.

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I am writing this chapter to address something very important-

The probably #1 way to decrease world suck-


I mean, that's a given, but seriously, this one is HUGE.

Perfect example-

Today when my mom and I were driving out of this restaurant, there is this one intersection where (a) was poorly engineered, and (b) people can't use their brain when they go out of it.

Okay, so it's like, people think that the only way to get out of it, is to turn left, but there is always a line, and a lot of people are jerks and won't let you over, so these people just sit there for like ten minutes, when the whole time they. Could. Have. Turned. Right. OHMIGOSH. BECAUSE SOME PEOPLE SO BUSY BEING DISTRACTED NY ONE THING, THEY DONT PAY ATTENTION TO THE OTHER THING.

Kinda the whole thing was to just make this point- these people trying to turn left, they totally forgot about the people that were behind them not getting any younger as you wait for a spot that you will NOT get- so, mull over all of your options before making a finale decision on what to do, seriously.


Before I publish this, I need to know who has also noticed this- you know how in The Hunger Games, a cannon is fired whenever someone dies- well, in Insurgent, after Eric is shot, listen carefully- there's a cannon. My friend and I burst out laughing in the middle of the theater, and everyone was staring at us, and we were just like,"SORRY."


THANKYOU a for reading this chapter.

-stay classy

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