Chapter 31: Spy

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Chapter 31: Spy

Louis covered a yawn with his hand. He sat languidly on the bench with Cheska still oblivious to their current situation. His words hovered in the tense atmosphere.

"Negative. We need to verify his identity before he can enter the main house", the security personnel said.

"Either he comes or my father comes to us", Louis said. He flicked a speck of dust on his shoulder.

Fred stared incredulously at him. What was wrong with him? Had Louis forgotten why he had to reconcile with his father? To top it off, he wanted Gerry – a virtual stranger, who could be a double agent for all they know, to come with them.

"Sir, standard procedure dictates that unverified guests during lockdown must answer to inquiries", the man said patiently.

The word lockdown had Fred whip his head towards the speaker. For a moment, he was confused until he remembered what the computer said at the secret entrance.

"I know the protocol, Allan", Louis said to the security personnel. "I activated it. Then I changed my mind just now. I'll vouch for Gerry, alright?"

"Sir, we are under strict orders—"

"Gods above, man", Luis cut in, his eyes flashed in annoyance.

Allan clamped his mouth shut.

Louis let out a huff. "Tell your superior", he searched for the name of the new guy, "Smith what's-his-name that I'll take full responsibility of my guests. Good enough?"

"Very good, sir."

"Now that we're through with the niceties," Louis' voice dripped with sarcasm, "could someone be kind enough to bring me a hover chair?"

While waiting for the requested equipment, Fred checked Cheska's vital signs. Her pulse and breathing was normal. A small frown marred her sleeping face. Unable to help himself, he tucked a stray hair under her ear. Fred straightened from his crouch. His eyes fell on Louis' unreadable gaze. The chair arrived and the moment had gone.

On their way to the main house, Fred and Louis walked at the head of their company. Gerry followed behind them, pushing the hover chair Cheska was on. They were still surrounded by guards, but they kept a good distance from the trio to allow a private conversation.

"Why the lockdown?" Fred asked Louis, low enough not to be overheard even by Gerry.

"Trust doesn't come easily in my social circle", he replied. "Money is power. Trust can be bought by the highest bidder until another one comes along. Your saviour sounds like one opportunist. He didn't rescue you and my sister because of a change of heart", Louis shook his head. "He knows something and I want to find out what it is.

"I activated lockdown to trap him with us. Gerry wouldn't be able to escape this place with his life without," he hesitated, "proper procedure."

Fred stared long and hard at him. No one would recognise this person for the nine-year old from eleven years ago. The younger Louis knew how to trust despite the emotional scars he bore when they first met. He knew how to smile. The adult walking beside Fred hadn't cracked a single genuine smile. At first, he thought Louis was impulsive. That impression changed when he appeared, pulled them out of the accident site and brought them to safety. Louis may be rash at times, but he knew how to make snap decisions and what resources to pull to make things happen. Then there was Louis' behaviour: his hunger for love from a long lost sister and the sardonic troubled person that he showed to the world.

"Staring won't do you any good, you know", Louis said. He shoved his hands into his jeans' pockets. "Out with it, Fred."

"It's nothing", Fred looked away. Then his stomach decided to make itself known by growling.

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