Chapter Three - The Apple Lover.

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Hinata stretched up picking coat pegs off tossing them into the small wicker basket and then gathering the now dry clothes. She folded them neatly in the wicker basket that she made. The sky was a bright blue and the sun shining down on the castle she lived in- shining down on the cobbled path, the chickens, the freshly cut grass. Hinata looked ahead at the hills bounding over and over the land. Oh how she wished to go further than that. She picked up the basket and walked back along to the castle.

The castle wasn't that large- not as large as the Royal Palace though. Her brown laced boots covered the green grass until it reached the cobbled path leading to the back entrance.

She worked in this castle for her step-mother. Who had lots and lots of gold in her possession. But only five household servants, she was given the biggest amount of work.

Hinata walked inside to the kitchens seeing it empty, she carried the basket out the kitchen to the hall. There was a large white marble staircase the scent of pine coming from the freshly polished banisters (that she polished). She walked up the stairs her dull coloured grey skirts brushing around her long legs. The white petticoat underskirt slightly visible at each step. The lace travelling up pulling around her bodice.

She had skin as white as snow, her lips as red as a rose and her hair as dark as charcoal.
And her beauty was the main reason Madam- her step-mother, hated her.

There was her sister that worked in the castle too, Hanabi. However Hinata always secretly did her chores for her. Hanabi was her light in her dark life of scrubbing floors, cleaning dishes, getting the eggs from the chickens, wiping the floors, making the food.

Hinata was at the second tallest floor here mainly known as the top floor. Her room was locked up at the attic, Hanabi was told to stay there but Hinata reasoned with step-mother for an hour and managed to get Hanabi in a guest room, but the smallest one there.

She trailed off to wonderland, thinking to herself if she would ever find a handsome man. But no, there was so much to think about.

There was a boy once. She met him when she was six.

His name was Naruto.

But Naruto, was a whole other story to Hinata.

She opened her door and it let out a large creak. The hinge on the door was almost gone, she closed it over and sat the basket down on the dusty floor. She needed to tidy her attic room, but there was no time for her room with all the hard work she was given. Hinata sat down on the mattress that was pushed at the corner of her room, she pulled the basket towards her ready to fold and sort the clothes.

The kingdom she lived in was a beautiful place, from here she could see the towering palace. But the kingdom was full of life due to their rulers Fugaku and Mikoto Uchiha. Ever since she was a child they ruled the kingdom, there two sons Itachi and Sasuke the princes. They were an adored royal family, Hinata loved how they ruled too.

You would be surprised to hear Hinata was actually a princess.

Not from this kingdom of course. She was the daughter of the king from an abandoned land.

But she used to live with her father in that land, rulers of the kingdom. She had a happy family; her mother, her father Hiashi, her younger sister Hanabi, her cousin Neji. They were all so amazing.

But her mother died. When she was nine.

A year later Hiashi decided to marry another. Her step-mother. She acted kind around Hiashi that was until she found out from Madam he had been ill for a year or so, and that he died from it.

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