Chapter Thirty- Three: Home

Start from the beginning

"See you Louis, good luck," Dr. Callan smiles and then walks off. Emma says goodbye too and then leaves me alone with Henry, and I literally cannot remove the smile from my face. My eyes wander down to Henry's and his big brown eyes are looking back at me, a cheeky smile on his face that looks so cute because he has just gums, no teeth. 

"You ready to go in the car? And go home! Finally you get to leave this hospital!" I tell Henry, placing him down into the baby carrier and strapping him in. "Ready to see the world Boon?" I ask, still using his nickname. "This my friend, is for you. Auntie Perrie got it for you, I think you'll like it," I smile, pulling the plush toy out of where it was stuffed in my back pocket. 

I probably looked strange walking around with a giraffe toy half hanging out of my back pocket, but it's the perfect toy for Henry. 

"What are we going to name him Henry?" I ask, tickling Henry's side gently as he starts squealing and laughing. He's such a happy baby, I am so truly blessed. Now I sound like some hormonal mother- but give me a break, I'm a new father and mother all in one. 

I look at the giraffe in the baby carrier with Henry. It's a little strange looking. Looks a bit like Frank Sinatra. Just needs a black hat. 

"How about we call it Frank, that's a good name for him," I chuckle and Henry starts giggling again. I pull the handle up on his baby carrier and then pick it up off the table, holding it down by my side as I pick up the folder full of documents in my other hand and then make my way downstairs and to the doors that lead to the car park. 

"You ready Henry? You ready to feel the world? Or fresh air," I ask him and then walk out, the cooling breeze hitting my face and making me shiver. Bloody oath it's chilly! I rush to the car and then put Henry's baby carrier into the frame that's in the middle of the back row, locking him in and tickling him a little before getting into the driver's seat. 

As I'm driving home I look into the rear vision mirror and can see the baby carrier, a smile creeping across my face and making me feel warm inside as Henry makes noises from the back seat. I'm finally a Dad. I don't know how to describe this feeling. It makes me feel warm inside, makes me feel happy, makes me feel like I'm needed. Like I belong. Like I have my family. My home. 

{Liam's POV}

"Why are we going to Uncle Louis'?" Zuri questions from the back seat of the car. Louis invited us all over this afternoon for no particular reason. He sounded really excited on the phone, but I have no clue what so ever why?

"We don't know Zure," Dani replies to Zuri. 

"Oh, okay," Zuri mutters and then goes back to singing to herself. I pull into Louis' driveway and park behind Harry's car. Leigh- Anne's car is also in the driveway and then Perrie's and Jesy's are on the street. So we're the last ones here. 

I help Zuri out of the car and then walk along, her small hand wrapped in mine as we head right into Louis' home, going into the living area where everyone else is, either standing up or lounging around on the couches. Louis is standing and talking to Jesy, a big smile on his face.

"Hello!" Harry calls out to us and Zuri runs over to Ellie whilst Danielle and I say hello to the others. I look around the room and there's a baby towel (the ones you keep on your shoulder in case they chuck up), there's a bottle on the coffee table and there's some toys scattered everywhere. That's slightly weird. 

"Zayn!" Danielle says and come out of my daydream, looking at Zayn who is standing next to Perrie, talking to her about something. Okay... now I'm confused. Well, he's come home obviously, but he's talking to his... um. 

Zayn looks across and smiles at me in a greeting sort of way. I smile back, giving him a slight wave in confusion. Zayn walks across to me as Danielle walks off to talk to someone else. I place my hand on Zayn's shoulder in my own form of greeting. 

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