The bond of love

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I pushed Tanya again because she pushed more of the medicine inside of the iv. Thank god I pushed her before she could push that much into me. I hurried and pressed the call button. They came running, because they no a coma patient couldn't press a button. Tanya kept saying someone pushed her, but no one believed her. Then I felt this god awful pain in my stomach. I wrap my arms around me and hunch over in pain.

"Not again, it's back. I turn towards my body and I am in a seizure again. I watch it all unfold in front of me. Doctor her fever spike!" I heard the nurse say. "Great will have to take her into surgery." The Doctor said. "Doctor her iv pulled out."

"HOLD HER DOWN SO SHE DOESN'T RIP HER BREATHING TUBE OUT TO." I saw Edward run into the room. "WHAT HAPPENED?" He yelled out. "SOMEONE GET HIM OUT OF HERE!" As a guy walked up to him Edward stepped back. "NO, I'M NOT LEAVING!" He told them. "Fine just stay out of the way, until we get her under control. God what must be going through his head right now. I wonder if he even heard me call out for help. I watched him walked over to my bed and he look down at the ground under his feet.

He look over to where the vases were sitting at one time. "You stopped her didn't you and you called out for me." He heard me. I walked up to him and gently place my hand on the side of his face. He leaned into my touch. He could feel me. "Bella! You been here the whole time." Tears ran down his face. He closed my eyes. "Rebecca can see you can't she?" Tears fell down my face. How do I tell him. I look over to the picture of the 3 of us. I turned the picture to face him.

He smiled. "You can't wake up because of the infection can you?" I put both my hands on both sides of his face and gently kissed him. It was quick but I knew he felt it.

He turned away. "I so sorry Bella, if I just paid attention more, if I just looked more into your tutors background." He told me. "Oh Edward stop this isn't your fault, stop blaming yourself." I picked up a vase and threw it against the wall to get him to stop. He closed his eyes. "I'm lost without you Bella." Edward fell to his knees. I ran to him and wrapped my arms around him. "I love you Edward!" I whispered in his ear. "I love you to Bella. "HUUHH!" I gasped. "You heard me?"

Edward stood up and turned around. "Yeah I heard you!" I stepped forward and just stood there for a moment. Then we were startled by OR Nurses walking in.

"There ready for her, you can wait here if you want." Edward nods. He walks over to the side of my bed and places a kiss on my forehead. "I love you!" He whispers in my ear. "And I you Edward! More than you'll ever know!" I whispered in his ear. He let out a small gasp. I didn't follow my body. I knew my body was in good hands. Edward needed me right now. He walked over to the the window and stood there looking out. I walked up to him slowly.

"I'm still here Edward!" I told him. He stay looking out the window. "Why now, why not before?" He asked me.

"I didn't know I could Edward!" He turned around and had tears falling from his eyes. "Why does infection keep coming back?" He asked me. "I don't know why. I can't answer that Edward. But I can tell you this though. My mother told me this time the infection will be gone completely."

"Your mother? Bella I don't understand. How long are you going to be in a coma for?" He asked.
"I can't answer that either Edward." I walked up to him and placed my hand on the side of his face. He leaned into my touch. "You will have to be patient my love. Can you do that for me?" I asked him. "Do you know what you're asking of me Bella?" He asked me. "Edward it may seem like she asking a lot, but trust me when  I say this. It will be worth it." I turned and saw my mother and smiled. Edward chuckled. "Let me guess Renee." Edward said. "The one and only." She told him.

"How can I hear you guys?" He asked us. I looked at my mother wondering the same thing. "That's easy to answer. Because you two have a bond." She told him. "That don't answer my question!" Edward said. "Edward wait, I think she talking about the bond we have, the love we have for each other." I tell him. "I see now. But that doesn't explain why I can hear your mother." Edward says. "Edward she apart of me." I shake my head. He smiles. "You do realize you're my beautiful angel right now Bella." He tells me. "Edward Cullen I'm not beautiful and I'm certainly no angel." I told him. "Oh how I wish I could see you right now."

"I have an idea." I turned to my mother. "Mother what are you up to?" I asked her. She smiled. "You may not be an angel but I am!" I started to giggle. "Edward I need you to lock the door." She told him. "Mother nothing going to happen to my body is it?" I asked "Nope, your body is perfectly safe." Then I felt a breeze and I had a white sundress with little yellow flowers on it and black flats on. My hair had a ribbon in it but part of it was still down. "Mother if you weren't already dead I kill you right now." I growled. I heard Edward chuckle. "Bite me, Edward." He burst out laughing. "Edward shut off the light and close your eyes and don't open them until I tell you to."

I stand here shaking my head. "Mother I feel like Cinderella." I laugh. "Oh hush it!" I shut my mouth and put my arms behind my back. "Edward walked forward 5 steps." My mother told him. He did what he was told without saying a word. "Now open your eyes." She told him. I just stood there and watched him. "Mother why is he looking at me that way like he can see me?" I asked her when I looked over to her. "That's because I can, I don't know how and I really don't care right now." Edward said. When I turned my head back he was standing right in front of me. "HHUUHH!" I gasped. I reached up and touch the side of his face.

"I can feel you!" I told him. "Now I really feel like Cinderella except you're really a prince." I told him. Edward reached up and gently took the back of his hand and gently stroke my cheek. "And you are my princess." I giggled and blushed. Edward pressed his lips against mine. But then I stepped back I felt a shock to my chest.

"What's happening mother?" I asked her. "I'm not sure honey." I grabbed my chest and fall to the ground. "Bella what is it?" Edward asked me. "I'm not sure. Stay here, mother I need you to come with me." She walked over to me and took my hand. I was in the operating room. They were shocking my chest. I heard a chuckle. "I know that chuckle." I turn and look. "Mother it's Laurent." I told her. She turned and looked at me. "You're not the only one that can do anything Bella." I nodded. I ran over and pushed him against the wall and pinned him there.

"Not this time asshole!" He gasped! "You think you can stop Tanya's plan. Don't forget about Lauren." What is he talking about. Tanya said the same thing. I pulled down his mask. "I know you can hear me, what are you talking about?" I asked him. "You really don't know do you? Tanya plan to take your daughter and you out of Edward's life permanently." My eyes widen.

"You are not getting away with this!" I told him. I reached for something and hit him with it. I stood back and let people take him out. I could feel my heart start to beat again.

"Bella!" I heard Edward call out. I turned around and looked and saw that they had everything under control for the moment. I appeared back in front of Edward. "Tell me now!" He blinked his eyes. "Tell you what?" He asked. "That day you came in with blood on your face and cuts these bruises, were they because you were protecting Rebecca?" He stiffened up. "EDWARD DAMN IT DON'T LIE TO ME, DON'T HIDE IT FROM ME. THIS IS TWICE NOW SOMEONE TRIED TO KILL ME IN A COMA. I FIND OUT FROM LAURENT THAT TANYA TRYING TO TAKE OUT ME AND OUR DAUGHTER. AND WHAT ABOUT MY TUTOR. PLEASE I NEED ANSWERS."

Thank you for reading my stories, following me, voting and commenting.

I do not own all my characters in my story Stephanie Meyer does.

I own the rest of the characters and the story.

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