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Ingredients for the crust:
1 ½ cups Vanilla Wafer crumbs (I used a gluten-free version by Kinnikinnick)

¼ cup plus 1 tablespoon Unsalted Butter, melted

2 tablespoons Granulated Sugar

Ingredients for the filling:
2-8 ounce packages Cream Cheese, room temperature and softened

1 cup Granulated Sugar

1 cup Sour Cream

3 eggs, room temperature

1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract

1 teaspoon Lemon Extract

2 tablespoons Lemon Juice

Zest of 1 Lemon


Preparing the Crust:
Preheat the oven to 325 degrees. Lightly butter the inside of an 8-inch springform pan. Cover the outside bottom of the springform pan with two to three layers of foil to prohibit any liquid getting into the pan when cooking.

Combine the cookie crumbs, butter and sugar in a small mixing bowl. Stir together until all crumbs are coated and it looks like wet sand.

Pour the crumbs into the bottom of the spring form pan and tamp down with fingers or the flat bottom of a drinking glass. Set aside.

Preparing the Filling:
Using a mixer cream together the cream cheese and sugar until smooth.

Add the sour cream, vanilla and lemon extracts, lemon juice and lemon zest. Mix at medium-high speed to incorporate all the ingredients.

Add eggs, one at a time, and mix to fully blend all ingredients into a smooth filling. Pour filling into the prepared crust.

Spoon the filling into the prepared crust. Place the cheesecake in a roasting pan and fill pan with boiling water until halfway up the side of the springform pan. Bake for 50 minutes; the cheesecake will still be jiggly but will continue to firm up.

Turn off the oven, leave the door closed and leave the cheesecake in the oven for 1 hour.

Remove the cheesecake from the roasting pan and remove the foil. Gently run a knife around the outside of the cheesecake to allow it to easily separate from the pan as it cools. Place on a cooling rack until it reaches room temperature; 1-2 hours.

Prepare a piece of foil to loosely cover the cheesecake. Poke a few holes in it with a knife or bamboo skewer; this will allow any remaining condensation from the chilling to escape and not drip back onto the cheesecake. Chill for at least four hours and preferably overnight. Run a knife around the outside of the cake before loosening the springform pan sides and gently removing the outer ring.

To cut cheesecake: Fill a tall glass or jar with hot water. Run a long knife under hot water and wipe dry. Slice the cheesecake dipping the knife in the hot water and drying it in between cuts.

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