Mrs. Weasley's English Toffee recipe | Harry Potter

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1 cup whole raw almonds

170grams (3/4 cup) butter

1 cup white sugar

½ teaspoon salt (I prefer to use Himalayan pink salt rather than table salt)

½ teaspoon vanilla

200 grams milk cooking chocolate

¼ cup crushed pecans

Start by preheating the oven to 200oC.

On a baking sheet, spread out the almonds and place in the oven for 10 minutes until roasted. You may want to stir them half way.

Once roasted, set aside to cool for a few minutes then spread on a chopping board.

Take a sharp chef's knife and chop the almonds into halves or even quarters.
On another baking tray, line with a silicone baking mat and spread the chopped almonds evenly.

In a medium sized saucepan over medium heat, stir together the butter, sugar, salt and vanilla. (Note: this should be with a wooden spoon.)
Continue to stir until dissolved and bring to a gentle boil.

Reduce the heat to a low-medium--it's safer to make candy slowly yet surely in my opinion.

Continue slowly stirring until the toffee is a shade lighter than the skin of your almonds. This may take approximately 10 minutes.

Pour over the almonds on the baking mat lined tray, spread with the back of the wooden spoon and let sit to cool.

Break the chocolate pieces up, place in a microwavable container and microwave at 50% for 2 minutes (this will depend on your microwave), stirring halfway through.

Pour then spread the melted chocolate over the toffee, and sprinkle with the crushed pecans.

Place the tray into the fridge to harden.

Break the toffee pieces by hand into smaller bite sized pieces.

Clean Up
Heat some water in your tea kettle and pour the boiling water into the pot and place the wooden spoon in to dissolve any leftover toffee that way have hardened.

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