➣ nineteen

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        ▽ Zayn Malik Ft. Mic Righteous Cover Of No Type

               ➣ nineteen

''She hasn't done anything?''.


''Felt anything?''.


''And you're not gonna send him to school?''.



I rolled my eye's. ''Because Derek, he's seen his older sister almost die last night and I'm afraid of what Malia could do. Don't forget she's still out there somewhere''.

''You guys know we can hear you right?'' Ariella questions. Her and Hunter sat on the couch in pajamas, eating cereal while watching tv.

''Seriously it's a ten foot radious''.

I threw my head back and groaned. ''The level of sarcasm in this family could give someone diabetes''.

Deaton ignored my comment and continued to converse with Ariella. ''Ariella, do you mind if I can take off you're bandage?''.

She shrugged her shoulders. ''I guess''.

He first went through my kitchen drawers and took out a pair of scissors before heading over to Ariella.

He knelt down on one knee as he cut a piece opened. The bandage unraveled itself to her skin there. Clean, with no marks, no cuts, no blood, nothing.

''So werewolf?'' Stiles ask which earned a slap to the chest by the one and only, me.


''Mom what's he talking about?'' Hunter ask, leaning foward to the edge of his seat in curiosity and interest.

''Way to go'' Derek mutters.

He spazzed. ''Look they were bound to find out sooner or later''.

''About what?''.

I shook my head and waved it off. ''I'll explain it to you both later along with the wedding thing, I promise. But first we have to figure out what's wrong with you''.

The two nodded.

Then Lydia came running in.

''I figured it out!''.

''Why you haven't made a move on Parrish yet?'' Stiles remarks. She shot him a quick glare before continuing.

''I figured out why Alex looks so familiar to me''.

''So why does she look familiar to you?'' Derek inquires, irritated that she hasn't continued.

''We found Malia in this case that was closed a year before we met you, known for being just a car accident. But they opened it back up for a possible murder. Malia was still alive in the case who was in fact predicted dead, but her sister in the car wasn't dead either. The other one who wasn't dead was Alex''.

My arched eyebrows faltered.

''Oh my god''.

''You let the psycho sister into the house'' Derek mutters in a lost gaze.

''This whole thing was planned''.

''Pardon?'' Deaton ask, standing up from his position.

''Malia was being nice to me, we all should have known something was up. But then Alex comes along, instantly wanting to be my friend. I thought it was just me being on my period, but I still found it weird.

Though Alex did say that her and Malia were friends but there was things she disliked about her, and well uh, knowing me if you dislike at least something about Malia I'll make you learn to hate all of her.

And not only did Alex steal my journal and ripped the pages out, she was the one who knocked out Stiles. She was there last night with Malia'' I explained.

''That Hale blood surely runs through the family'' Deaton remarks.

I ignored the comment, not really knowing what he meant by that.

Ariella winced with a hiss following along. ''Hunter can you turn it down a bit?''.

Everyone's eye's enlarged except mine. I was left confused.

''Why do you guys look like that?'' I ask.

''Juliet, one of the many signs of a werewolf transformation is when their hearing heightens. That volumes on a perfectly normal level'' Lydia explains quietly as she watches Ariella's movement.

I point at Ariella. ''So that means-''.

''We gotta get her the hell out of here''.

☯ ☯ ☯

More will be written for tomorrow

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