➣ twelve

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        ▽ Billboard By Jacob Whutesides


Reasons as to why I don't shop at stores such as Target is because once you get to the check out line, millions of people show up out of the blue.

I exhaled deeply before grabbing People's magazine that was close by.

Target was having a sale today and because my household has already ran out of food -which is ironic because Ariella's gone and Hunter has a stomach virus- I came to do the shopping while Lydia watches over Hunter.

So here I am, behind three people with carts filled all sorts of supplies.

''Is this line ever gonna move?'' A female behind me questioned aloud.

My lips slanted towards the left. ''Not at the rate we're going at''.

''Excuse me?''.

I turned around to see a girl with an even tan complexion with hazel eye's and natural brown hair. She was about a few inches taller than me.

''I said not at the rate we're going at. You know, because of what you asked'' I repeated.

She mumbled a small 'oh' while chuckling quietly. I nodded and turned back around.

''I'm Alex''.

I closed the magazine and turned right back around to her. I'm obviously not gonna enjoy last months latest issue.


She smiled. ''You know you look familiar''.

I shook my head with my lips pursed.

She nodded with an eager smile growing upon her lips. ''Yeah, yeah you do. I saw you at that wedding the other day''.

Now I was confused. ''You know the groom''.

She shook her head. ''No but one of the groom's friend, Malia asked them to put in an invite for me''.

I jumped at the mentioning of Malia. Every dream I have just ends with her slashing me in the face with those freaking claws.

I nodded. ''Oh''.

''Say I really would like to know you more, Malia said alot of nice things about you'' She requested.

Accidentally, I scoffed.

'Everyday is just filled with constant bullshit'.

She craned her neck. ''Something wrong?''.

I shook my head. ''No I uh, had something stuck in my throat so''.

''Well how about tomorrow we hang out at Basil Cafe? They're doing a re-opening''.

I arched my eyebrows, shocked that that business would return.

I nodded. ''Yeah um, sure''.

She grinned. ''Hey, you should move up''.

I turned to see the line moving. I followed behind the man until he came to a stop.

'We moved like two freakin' inches'.

× × ×


I plopped my entire body diagonally on the couch, my arm resting against my forehead.

''Hey, I don't think you should worry about Hunter for a while. He's not throwing up anymore but he is shitting'' Lydia explains while entering the living room.

''Ugh'' I groaned again with more disgust.

''Yeah, Alice told me to tell you that you're not welcomed to use their bathroom'' She warned.

I rolled my eye's. ''This girl from Target today wanted to know me more because of Malia. Now I have to get coffee with her tomorrow''.

She sat on abdominal area. ''What's the problem?''.

''I have to socialize''.

She pushed her bum harder against me causing me to groan in pain.

''Are you on you're period?''.

I pouted. ''Yes''.

She bounced on top of me causing me to moan in pain once again.

''Stop being so sour. Who knows this chick might be someone like me''.

I clenched my teeth together. ''You mean someone who finds it satisfying to hurt my stomach even more than it already is?''.

She grinned and moved her bum side to side playfully. ''Yup''.

A small smile formed on my lips as I gripped her sides. ''Please stop''.

We looked down the hall once we heard a door opening. Hunter was coming out of the bathroom.

I slapped my hand against my nose. ''Oh my fucking god why didn't I buy Frebreeze?''.

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