➣ six

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        ▽ Justin Bieber Cover Of How To Love

               ➣ six

''Oh, my damn!''.

Ariella and I stood at the end of the hall, where what was displayed ahead of us was Kira, Lydia, Riley and Alice all standing in front of they're dressing rooms in different dresses that had been suggested for the bridesmaids to wear.

''Okay Juliet, pick one''.

I pursed my lips and nodded. Of course all were nice but it wasn't as good as the dress Lydia was wearing. It was Adriana Papeli one shoulder tiered Chiffon dress.

'It just had to be Lydia's dress'.

I crossed my arms over my chest and clicked my teeth with my tongue. ''After eight years, Lydia Martin has yet not failed her aspired taste of clothing''.

She grinned wickedly and clapped.

''It's a gift''.

It was common for us all to roll our eye's at such a remark.

On another note, Scott and Kira's wedding was due in just week and as of what I hear, their doing final touches to put it all together.

''Say after this we should head to Subways?'' Riley suggested as they were all now back in they're dressing room, returning to their regular clothes.

''Agree'' Ariella spoke quickly. Kira was in such a rush to get us all to the mall this morning because of the obnoxious thought of all the good colors being gone, Ariella and I didn't have the chance to have breakfast.

So being cranky or hungry was just an understatement at the moment.

× × ×

''So, how was seeing Stiles yesterday?''.

Ah, that ladies and gentlemen, was the question that had majority of the ladies choking on their Boar's Head ham.

''You saw Stiles yesterday?'' Lydia question after clearing her throat.

''Yeah he was uh, he was at my apartment yesterday''.

''Am I missing something? Mom didn't seem to like him and you guys make him sound pretty bad. He seems cool to me'' Ariella interrogated before taking another bite of her six foot long sandwhich.

I eyed the others cautiously.

Do you all remember when Ariella was three and she found out on Christmas day that Stiles was her father and left like a week later yet during that week, Ariella wasn't use to calling someone her 'dad'?

Well after he left, I had to lie to her and say that he went on a secret mission and because of that mission we had to forget about him.

It wasn't bad to lie. Mother's lie all the time I mean for god sake Toothfaries?

''He isn't bad. It's just some of the things he did was bad'' Kira replied, basically beating around the bush.

''Like what?''.

My eye's widen along with my nose in fustration.

'Great freakin' choice of words Kira'.

''They're not really important'' I blunlty stated. She looked at me confused and chose to say nothing and continue to eat her sandwhich.

''So what happened?'' Lydia urged.

I looked over at Alice and smiled faintly. ''Why don't you do the honors?''.

She grinned. Knowing Alice by now, she most likely had her ear pressed against my door to listen in on the whole thing.

''He was telling her sorry and how much he screwed up and she was all like 'you missed eight years, sorry's not gonna cut it, I didn't have you to tell me everything would be okay' and- Oh! Oh my god, this was big, he even said him and Malia are engaged'' She ranted, basically summarizing up like a school girl.

Everyone other than Alice, Ariella and I gasped at her final statement.

''So after everything, him and Malia are together? Closer now?'' Kira questioned, her sandwhich being set aside on her overly sized wrapper as her arms were on the table in interest.

Our lips flatten into a straight line while we nodded.

''So what did you do after he announced his engagement?'' Riley asked.

I opened my mouth to say something but Ariella beat me to it. ''She started throwing things around and yelled get the bleep out my bleeping house''.

They all threw their heads back to laugh.

I nodded once again. ''Things got pretty violent and I went a lil so-so on his ass''.

Riley chuckled. ''Nice to know Stiles tapped that''.

Wide Awake ➣ Stiles Stilinski [2]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt