➣ eighteen

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        ▽ Alex G Cover Of Let Her Go

               ➣ eighteen

''You did the right thing calling me. If you were to bring her to the hospital, they would've done nothing but to let her die'' Deaton spoke, wrapping a bandage around Ariella's neck.

Stiles had finally gained consciousness as himself, Riley, Lydia, Alice, Derek, Hunter, Deaton, Ariella and I were back at my apartment.

We all crowded the living room where Ariella laid on the couch now the unconscious one.

Deaton stood from his bent position and smiled a small sympathetic one towards me before walking past us all.

''Wait!'' Hunter called.

He turned utterly surprised and looked down at him.

He fiddled with his fingers. ''Thank you.. For saving my sister''.

He smiled again. ''I'm happy to help''.

I chewed on the insides of my cheek as I rested my head on Stiles' shoulder.

Deaton left, quietly closing the door being that it is three in the morning.

I scratched the side of my head. ''It's um- it's okay for you all to go home. I'll promise to call if anything happens''.

''Are you sure? Cause we could all stay?'' Lydia assures. I nodded.

They said nothing else and left the apartment.

I took a deep breath as I walked over to the couch. I picked up her head and sat down, placing her head in my lap.

''Hunter maybe you should go to bed'' Stiles speaks softly.

''What abou-''.

''I'll help take care of them. You just need you're sleep'' He reassures.

He was hesitant but listened anyway as Stiles took him to his room.

My eye's bored at Ariella as my fingers ran through her soft waves.

''Baby you gotta wake up. We can't lose you'' I whispered.

My lips trembled from just staring at her covered neck.

''Baby you promised me you never leave me. I-I know this all wasn't intended but life brings you all kinds of surprises. But you can't leave me. Not yet''.

I pressed my thumb against her cheek to wipe away my tears that fallen on her face.

I licked my lips. ''Baby I'm not ready to let you go. No one is ready to let you go. So please, do it for us. For Lydia. Alice. Kira. Scott. Derek. Riley. Stiles. Hunter..''.

I closed my eye's tightly. ''For me. You're my baby girl. My muppet and I can't lose you baby. Not like this''.

''It's all my fault''.

I looked up and saw Siles standing just a few feet away from me.

I shook my head slightly. ''Don't say that-''.

''No- It's Because It Is!'' He yells.

''Be quiet. Remember we have to let Hunter sleep'' I hissed.

He took a deep breath, one that was shaky. ''I left because of Malia. She sent me a text the day before that if I didn't break up with you, she'd kill you and Ariella. I couldn't break up with you Juliet, even if I tried. So I left. For god sake I almost married her just so you all could be alive an-and she still goes and hurts her''.

I stared at him blankly.

'Oh my god I threw a vase at him'.

''Oh god. Stiles, I'm so-''.

''And-and then I'm knocked out and I-'' He stopped to roughly run his hands through his hair.

''I should've paid more attention to my surroundings, I mean for god sake I'm friends with people whose connected to the supernatural realm''.

I sighed. ''Stiles,-''.

''No! I Couldn't Help Her Juliet! That's My Daughter And She Almost Died And I Could've Done Something!''. His tone rises as does his temper.

''None of this is you're fault-''.

''Then Whose Fault Is It?!'' He snaps.

''That psycho bitch who caused this damage'' I state with no monotone.

The last thing I want Hunter to hear is an argument brewing in another room.

His expression soften once he gotten a good look at her. Our daughter who was just on the verge of death not too long ago.

It was silent for a second before Stiles whispered ''My baby girl''.

He sat on the arm rest of the couch and placed his head on my shoulder. I wrapped an arm around him and messed around with his hair as he softly and quietly cries.


☯ ☯ ☯


And ariella is awake and alive ☺☺☺

God bless america yo

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