➣ sixteen

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        ▽ Bethany Mota Cover Of Flashlight


The smile that appeared in my reflection was fake. My mood that everyone will see, will be fake. Anything about me that seems remotely positive is fake. An act.

Deep down I was the complete and utter opposite of happy. I felt weak.

I couldn't sleep at all last night. The dark was just filled with loneliness, tears, and relatable Halsey songs.

But now, it's nine am. The wedding doesn't start for another half hour.

Thirty minutes.

What can you do in thirty minutes?

Well alot, can happen in just thirty minutes- a second for that matter.


My eye's followed the reflection of the door as I saw Lydia opening it.

She smiled genuinely and exhaled softly as she says ''Today's the day''.

My gaze lowered as I nodded.

''We don't have to go if you don't-''.

''No'' I cut her off.

''You're forgetting that this day isn't about me. It's about two people who are in love and ready to fully commit it''.

She looked away in disbelieve while slapping her hands against her thigh. ''You're also forgetting that this guy has found fifty shades of hurting you''.

I rolled my eye's.

''This was the guy who you were madly in love with. You let him in after everything that you went through and yet he left. He left and because he left, he made you vulnerable. Now he's in love with the woman who has also found ways to hurt you''.

I swallowed. ''Well just like how I am to him, he's now a memory''.


Why am I lying?

Because maybe my emotions will believe in these lies.

Then these lies won't be lies. They'll be the truth.

Alice voice echoed throughout the apartment as she spoke. ''Whose ready?''.

× × ×

Once I heard the car successfully locked, I squeezed my appearance between two cars so I was now walking on the sidewalk.


I turned around and immediately my face scrunched slightly.

''Stiles, shouldn't you be-''.

''I woke up late'' He interrupts, bending down as he placed his hands on his knees to catch his breath.

I smiled faintly as I say ''Explains the tie''.

He stood up with bullets of sweat appearing on his pale forehead.

''Yeah, about that.. Do you know how to tie ties? If so can you fix it?'' He asks quickly with short pants in between.

I untied the mess he made and started to tie it properly. He looks down at me as I do so.

''You came..''.

My lips slants to the side. ''Yeah''.


I stopped my actions and looked up at him with the most nonchalant expression I could pull off.

''You really wanna push my buttons when I'm tying something around you're neck?'' I inquired.

He sucked in his lips to show he wasn't going to say no more. I nodded as I presume my actions.

My lips twitched into a soft yet small smile as I finished off his tie. ''Done''.

I looked up at him to see him already looking down at me, grinning.


He shook his head, his hand quickly reaching to the back of his neck. ''Nothing''.

My eyebrows arched as I turned to walk up the block. It wasn't long before he walked by my side.

× × ×

''Malia, with this ring I give you my heart. I promise you that from this day foward that you won't walk alone. My love will be you're shelter and my arms will be you're home. I know that we have had our ups and downs but in the end we'll always have each other. These last eight years, you made me realized that you were the one I'm suppose to be with for the rest of my life. And just to keep this simple, I love you and I will always love you'' Stiles spoke.

Because of Riley's wonderful decisions, she had gotten seats all the way in the front.

My emotions mixed around.

I mean it's so bad I can't even begin to explain how I'm feeling.

''I love you too Stiles. I mean, you were the one who had loved me even after when I was found from an unsolved case. Basically you're the best of me Stiles and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you''.

My lips formed into a pout, looking down at my hands that were currently folded in my lap.

The priest smiles genuinely. ''If anyone can show just cause why this couple cannot lawfully be joined together in matrimony, let them speak now or forever hold their peace''.

With my heart beating faster by the second, I stood.

That surely gotten the dramatic gasps.

''I'm sorry Malia..''.


''But Stiles no matter how much I hate you for what you did, it can't even compare to the amount of love I still have for you. You have been the only person in my life who I have let seen all of me. I can understand if you don't feel the same way but-''.

I inhaled sharply, letting my hand hover over my lips as tears trickled down my cheeks.

''I-I just want you to know''.

It was intesnly quiet with everyone leaning foward in their seats of the anticipation.

And there he stood, looking back and forth from Malia to me.

''Oh fuck it''.

He walked down that one step before grabbing me by the hip and kissed me.

The way it felt. The way it looked. The way our lips molded together so nicely.

This was nothing but a soft yet innocent and passionate kiss. Where this was the kiss that truly returns all the love and emotions we've ever felt about each other.

The only thought that ran through my head were those three little words that mean so much. That can change anyone's perspective.

Slowly, he removed his lips away from mine, leaving mine's utterly cold.

I kept my eye's closed as he rested his forehead against mine.

My chest burned with anxiety as I breathed out ''I love you''.

He smiled. ''I love you too''.

An applaus erupted around us. Our smiles grew once we realized we were still in the church.

I turned to see Malia gone.

''I'll deal with her later. Right now I just wanna go home''.

His fingers met my chin, turning me to him so he could attatch his lips on mine again.

☯  ☯  ☯

Don't be mad at me or juliet. The heart wants what it wants u hoes.


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