“Leave the boy, his father is the traitor.” Draco almost jumped at the deep Jamaican voice that came from the corner of the room.

He looked over to see a huge man with dark brown skin standing almost stooped over in the shadows.

“Give it a rest Dalton.” Mulciber hissed angrily, earning a slow shake of the head from Dalton.

“When are the others getting here?” Pansy asked, pacing back and forth.

“Patience my dear. They’ll be here in no time.” Mulciber purred as he walked over to Pansy and stroked her cheek.

She gave him a derisive look but said nothing. It was things like this that made Draco wonder whether she had lived a life akin to his, but he didn’t ponder on that thought for long.

This was going to be a long night he feared.


Draco’s head was spinning. A few more ex-death eaters showed up after he and Pansy did. He knew most of them. It was only Dalton and one other that he had never met. The anger that had been present in that cramped little room was more than evident. It was clear that Mulciber fancied himself as a leader for the revolution, not that any of the others took him seriously. They were all hoping that Yaxley would break out of Azkaban.

Azkaban was guarded by more than just dementors now, after they sided with the Dark Lord the new Ministry agreed that extra precautions would be taken though they were very secretive as to what exactly was guarding the prison.

Mulciber wanted to get things done fast, he wanted to act straight away. The others all seemed content to wait for things to fit. Draco wasn’t too sure why someone didn’t put Mulciber in his place but he had a feeling that it was because the man had a wicked temper and they couldn’t afford to lose any more of their own. Numbers are dwindling as it is.

They had started to make plans about how to get into Hogwarts first. Draco thought through their reasons for wanting to target the school and the only logical reason he could come up with was revenge for taking away the Dark Lord.

“Why are you so quiet boy?” Half way through the meeting one of the men, Donahue, grunted over at Draco who had been sitting contemplatively at the side of the room. “You’re starting to seem like the weak link.” He grinned with blackened teeth and Draco turned up his nose.

“I’ve got something here to liven you up.” A woman with hair blonder than his grinned and leapt through the wall quite elegantly.

She was back in a minute with a steaming cup.

“Here.” She said seductively as she held it out to him.

“You think I’m just going to take that and drink it? I know you think I’m a coward but I hope you don’t think I'm stupid.” He said with a dark glare at the woman he only knew as Kresta.

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