"Whoa whoa whoa hold up!" Ino shook her head, "You're mother was Queen and you're grandfather was once King?! Doesn't that make you royalty?!"




 The realization hit the others, "WHAT?!"

Haji gave annoyed pained look at their scream shoving his pinky in his ear, "Yeah, basically... that's another reason why I had to come back to Hideyoshi..."

Before the others could ask more about Haji being royalty Choji pointed to the painting of Sayuri, "He, you guys, doesn't she look familiar?" 

They stared at the picture again, Sai, Haku, and Zabuza confused. 

Finally it clicked in Shikamaru's mind, "That's Ibiki's sister."

"It is!"

Hiruzen coughed remembering when Ibiki told about the excuse he made, "Actually, Ibiki doesn't have a sister," they listened to the Third Hokage, "Queen Sayuri was staying in our village for awhile under a disguise and wanted to take the day off as being someone else and you all just happen to hear her singing is all." Haji was now shuffling his feet uncomfortable now, "She was under the Leaf Villages protection at the time, that's why the Kingdom of Hideyoshi attacked the Leaf. They thought we had something to do with the Kingdoms destruction and the Queens disappearance."

The others were silent for awhile until they asked Haji more questions about being a King or noble.

He was nervous and avoided the questions as best he could but became overwhelmed when Gai hugged him scream about his nephew being a youthful knight just as he remembered the book in his hand, "Yo, Naruto, Sakura," said two looked over as Haji pushed Gai away raising the book up, " You wanna see a drawing my mom did of Kakashi's face that is 100% accurate?"

Kakashi froze immediately as the two jumped over for the book, but Kakashi was faster snatching the book out of the bored Haji and sticking out his foot and a hand to push Naruto and Skaura back. He opened the book to the marked page a blush zoomed up his face, closing the book he shoved it into his pouch.

"Hey no fair Kakashi sensai!"

"That's mine you know..." Haji was behind Kakashi poking the pouch before reaching in and taking the book back. A sudden bashful Kakashi reached for it once more but Haji back in the draw locking it, sighing, "Don't worry I wont show them... you big baby..." Kakashi was now in slouched in a dark corner, Haji whistling swinging the keys on his finger.

"Hey, Haji," Sakura sat on the couch close to the chair he sat in, as everyone sat in the other variety of furniture, " How come we haven't seen the Queen around? I mean we've been here for three days and she hasn't shown herself. How old is she, she looked young in that painting," Sakura asked with her finger on her chin, thinking.

"She's been away on business and she's around the same age I am," footsteps ran down the hall, "Normally, she's in this room drinking tea or something at this time."

The door slammed open, "M'lad-!" Haji shoved a pasty in the chatty soldiers mouth glaring at him as he had flashed stepped next to him in an instant.

Said man had sweat drip nervously down his brow as he saw the look Haji gave him, he swallowed the sweet before bowing, "Excuse my disturbance, but Lord Haji you are needed in the conference room, you have a visitor!"

"Who's the visitor," Haku asked nosy. 

"Sa-!" another pastry was shoved into the guards mouth as Haji dragged him out by his collar.

Discontinued: To Be A Queen (Naruto Shippuden Fanfiction/ Kakashi's Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now