sweet dreams

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All your reviews make me so happy!

Ahsilaa - so do I, and I'm the writer. I'm sitting here on my computer like 'curse you, Trickler and Alined!'

CoffeeJunkie33 - I've literally been waiting for this episode since I started writing season 2. It's so exciting!

Emerald-Hime1987 - I was saying the same thing, girl. Believe me. Thank you so much :) x

Whirlwind421 - Here it is! Haha, thank you very much =D

MirrorFlower and DarkWind - You know what's funny? I actually like Lady Vivien. *Le Gasp* She amuses me, and I find her incescent love babbles on, especially at the end, quite funny and I chuckle that little bit. I hope she actually comes back - yes, shoot me now.

CatsGoMoo - Your review was so cute, and thank you!:) It was one of my favourite reviews so far. I loved the comment 'so greatly portrayed and emotional' because I usually don't think of myself as all that great, considering there are so many better writers out there on this site. I'm glad you really like the story so far, and I hope this next part pleases you x

So, while I haven't done that ever I thought that I would give some reviewers a little consideration and appreciation instead of some prive, hushed way like in the 'Send Off' by Wilfred Owen. Sorry, English buff. Please excuse that and enjoy the next part of 'Sweet Dreams'.

'You cannot keep us apart. It's written in the stars. Vivian and Arthur. A love for all time. A love stronger than time. A love...'

Merlynn, while still heartbroken over the fact that Arthur's love was obviously in the clasp of another woman, was beginning to get rather irritated by Lady Vivian's declaration of love. While it struck whatever emotional wall she had kept up with earth-shattering blows, the comments were so annoying and Merlynn was ready to slap the love-sick woman. It had to be some sort of witchcraft.

She groaned internally as she realised that she was beginning to sound like Uther, and crossed her arms over her chest. It was as though Lady Vivian was...well, enchanted by some sort of 'mind-befuddling' spell which left the person acting like some sort of persistant toad who absolutely had no brain. Merlynn chortled to herself as she thought of the fact that Vivian was rather air-headed in the first place, which was obviously why the girl was reacting in this way.

Currently, the abformentioned 'Lady' was unconscious in her arms as she carried her back to her guest chambers. After a brief run-in with Olaf, Merlynn had knocked her out with a spell and shoved her into a cupboard until the others left (and Arthur slipped behind his screen to change), then took her out and unceremoniously hauled her off to the room a few floors below, avoiding guards and any of the Kings' men. She dumped Lady Vivian onto the bed and hurried off to speak with Gaius.

Gaius always, always, knew what to do in situations such as these.


Merlynn had kept the lock of hair that Arthur had discovered under his pillow, for she knew that it was important somehow. She now watched as the old, wise physician inspected the golden curl, and stated that it was Vivian's hair. It was then that she began to pace nearby, the intense weight on her shoulders now lifted and air now fresh with relief. Merlynn felt like she could dance when she realised that Arthur maybe wasn't enraptured in Vivian at all - well, not at his own will, of course.

"I knew something wasn't right. You should have heard them," she ranted. "The bloody both of them." Merlynn cleared her throat and said in a high-pitched, girly imitation of Lady Vivian, "It's in the stars. Arthur and Vivian. A love for all time." Then, she repeated the gesture and added in a much deeper, but still love-sick voice, "Every other pales in comparison to that magnificant creature - I mean, come on, Gaius! Nobody speaks like that without having some sort of mental deficiency."

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