The Labyrinth of Gedref

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Hey guys, new chappie up!

Hope you enjoy. . . School starts tomorrow, so sometimes the updates won't be as prominent as before... sorry about that. Anyways, need to do good in school so yeah...

comment! Will get a special hug from Lancelot and Arthur when you do :P


The Labyrinth of Gedref:

Hunting. How she loathed it. Not only was she official carrier (food, weapons, water, kill etc), but she had to watch as poor, defenceless little animals were shot dead. And Arthur loved it. Merlynn kept behind the two other knights and waited to be ordered around by the prince.

Arthur silently motioned with his hands for the two knights to spread themselves amongst the trees after there was a snap of the branch. Originally, he thought it was Merlynn being clumsy, but it was coming from the North, not from behind him.

She creeped forward. He rolled his eyes. "Merlynn!" he whispered.

"Yes? What is it?" she asked curiously.

"I don't know. We'll surround it. I want you to go in there and flush it out," Arthur answered.

Merlynn gave him an incredulous look. In her mind, the whole 'two sides of a coin' statement was becoming to be ridiculous. He also didn't need her, as he was more than willing to have her go out into the open to see what deathly creature was out there. Being his protector...sucked.

"You want me to go in there? Are you mad?"

"Go on," he sighed and shoved her foreward.

With a pout, Merlynn stepped through the bushes and stumbled over some of the stray logs nervously. She wished it was a fluffy rabbit, not a rabid hog coming to chew her face off. Her hopes, however, were probably pointless. Glancing down, she was happy to see a thick, sizeable stick and picked it up for some defence in case it was the latter.

She headed deeper into the trees and came across a small clearing in the middle of the forest. Merlynn finally found the 'beast' and dropped the stick in amazement at the magnificant sight in front of her.

It wasn't some creature, but a glorious unicorn. Merlynn had never before seen one, nor believed in them. However, there it was. An ivory unicorn with a swirled, crystalline horn at it's forehead. Gasping softly, she slowly creeped toward it and slid her hand down it's nose, the other coming up to rest on the horn that made it so famous.

"Oh. Wow, you are actually very real," she breathed, but the smile was lost when she heard the snapping of twigs from above from Arthur and the other hunters. "No. Oh, no. Go! Go! Shoo. Please!" The unicorn didn't retreat, instead coming closer toward her hand. "Don't! They're going to kill you. Please go!" She looked up and noticed Arthur aiming for the unicorn. "Arthur, no!"

Either he hadn't heard her, or he didn't hear her in time. She had been too late. The arrow embedded itself into the unicorn and, with a shuttering breath, it toppled to the ground. Merlynn dropped to her knees and ran her hand over it's neck. "I'm so sorry. I wasn't fast enough."

"Ha-ha! A unicorn!" Arthur exclaimed in victory, a large smile on his face.

"What have you done?" she murmured as the other hunters arrived from the trees.

He glanced down at her, the rush of the kill still pulsing through him. "Don't be such a child, Merlynn," he scolded.

Merlynn glanced up and noticed an elderly man in a white hooded cloak standing behind him. Her eyes widened at the sight and saw that his eyes were only on the fallen unicorn which died at the hands of the prince.

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