the witchfinder

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HI! I'm in a good mood tonight - i went to the shopping centre today to hang out with friends. American's will know it as the 'mall' - funny, i sometimes call it a mall.

Anyway. I have a few questions for my readers:

a) Do you like the new name? My mum did (embarrassingly enough) - i don't know, i liked the change, but if you guys don't like it, then I'll change it.

b) Do you enjoy Arthur/Merlynn's relationship? Too fast too slow? Just enough?

c) Should I add more interactions with Gwen and/or Morgana, Gaius maybe in the future? With Merlynn?

d) Are you liking the story so far? Do you hate it?



The next day:

Aredian shoved Gaius to his knees before the court; it had taken all of Merlynn's willpower not to charge and strangle the Witchfinder to death in front of the King. She held a hand to her mouth and took a deep breath, trying to keep her emotions in check for the time being. But, her eyes never left the shaking form of Gaius.

Morgana gave Merlynn an apologetic, disheartened glance, noting the way her friend seemed to be struggling to stand.

"Confess!" Aredian roared. "Confess!"

"I...I am a sorcerer, Sire. I am responsible for conjuring the smoke. I'm guilty of practicing magic in Camelot, the goblin, the faces in the well, I...I am the sorcerer who conjured the toad from his mouth," Gaius confessed finally in defeat.

Uther looked saddened, but outraged, none the less. "You've betrayed me, Gaius. Betrayed your friends. And above all, you've betrayed yourself. By the laws of Camelot, I must sentence you," he hesitated for the briefest of moments, "to death."

"No," Merlynn whispered in horror.

"The sorcerer will be purged of his magic by means of fire! He shall be burnt at the stake tomorrow at dawn! Bear witness and heed this lesson!" Aredian bellowed.

As she watched the helpless, pained expression on Gaius' face as he was forcefully dragged from the Council Chamber, Merlynn decided she had enough with this Witchfinder.

"You're a liar," she spat and charged him. However, just before she reached him, Arthur shot forward and used his body as a shield. He then locked his arm around her tightly, and then dragged her from the room. "You're a liar!"

"I'll deal with this," Arthur muttered to the guards.


"Let me go, you prat!" she grunted, attempting to struggle from his grip.

Arthur grabbed her arm and twisted it behind her back as they reached the dungeons but his grip was loose on her limb. "It's alright," he soothed, his breath fanning her neck. "I know you're upset. I understand that you're angry. I'm not throwing you in jail."

"Then what are you doing?" Merlynn turned, forcing him to release the hold he had on her.

"I'm breaking the law," he replied simply and opened Gaius' cell. "I can only give you a few minutes."

As soon as that door was open, Merlynn rushed in and enveloped Gaius in a tight, loving embrace. "They wouldn't let me see you," she sobbed, "there was nothing I could do."

Gaius kissed the side of her head, using his other hand to wipe away the tears that were now freely streaming down her cheeks. "I know. I understand. Don't cry, Merlynn."

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