the lady of the lake

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New chapter! Oh my god, over 200 reviews - thank you so much! Wow, I cannot believe that it actually got this much reception :)

So...Also, I wanted to dedicate this chapter to one of my closest friends Caitlin who had to deal with the 'bitches' of our All-Girls School. She usually gets happier when I update, so I hope this will make her smile. :)

Now, thank you also to all those people who responded to my question about the fanfictions. It has given me a mindset of what I'm going to post up: Inception, The Dark Knight (One of them, anyway), Alice in Wonderland, Sherlock Holmes, Fantastic Four, Zombieland (maybe), Transformers, Supernatural, Percy Jackson (Just for the pure fact that it's different), and Harry Potter.

If you have any questions about the fanfictions above or the fanfiction below either ask me through inbox or review. It really doesn't matter :)

Anyways, Enjoy! Also, I apologise for the long annoying Author Notes. I'm a rambler, at heart.

It was raining heavier than usual, a waterfall streaming down toward the earth and slamming harshly against the concrete outside. Lighting struck every few minutes, which was then followed by an alarming crack of thunder. Gaius ignored the anarchy outside and gently put a cold cloth on his current patient's forehead, the man's skin hot, sweaty and pink. Merlynn, skittish woman that she was, jumped as she placed the tonic into the wife's hand with a small, reassuring smile.

She held up Gaius' robe and let his arms slide through before straightening it over him properly so he was warm enough. "If he's not better in the morning, let me know," Gaius announced softly, and then bid the woman goodbye.

"Have a safe trip back. Thank you so much for this," the woman replied tearfully.

Merlynn nodded her head in return. "It's alright. I'm sure your husband will be fine, ma'am. Do rest well."

As they made their way back home, the two passed a cage that Merlynn was sure hadn't been there before. She was confused, but thought nothing of it. That was until a small figure slammed against the inside of the cage and pale, terrified blue eyes locked on to hers.

Merlynn froze. "Gaius," she whispered in horror. It was a girl; knotted, dirty black hair that tumbled down a small, pale, sopping wet face, pale blue eyes that caught her right in the heart. This poor girl was left in a cage, in the cold and rain, all by herself.

"She's fallen to a bounty hunter," he explained.

"She's only a girl," she retorted, coming closer to the girl. She flinched back and stared at her in fear.

Gaius nodded. "She'll still fetch a good price, though."

Merlynn snapped her head to his. "Someone's going to buy her?" she exclaimed.

"Uther offers a handsome reward for anyone with magic," he replied softly. He took her hand and drew her back slowly.

"There must be something we can do," she pleaded.

"Merlynn, bounty hunters are dangerous men. They're not to be meddled with. You of all people should understand that," he warned in a quiet tone, then tightened his grip on her hand and tugged her back while she kept her attention on the young girl in the cage.


That girl, the haunted look in her eyes, never left her mind. It wasn't fair that a girl, a poor druid, was being caged like an animal in the middle of a thunderstorm. Merlynn creeped out of her chambers during the night and headed toward the caged druid - she checked the tavern to make sure the bounty hunter was occupied first - where she put her finger over her lip to keep the girl quiet.

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