crystal cave

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Hello! So sorry for the late update ... I was away for the weekend, with no internet, and I was just hanging at the beach a lot.

Anyway, based on various reviews, I have deliberated this:

In the very first episode, Uther told Morgana that she wasn't around for the Purge, which was 20 years ago. That meant that Morgana would have had to be at least 20 (i'm just sayin', because Merlynn definitely did not come to Camelot during the early months of the year). I'm guessing Morgana's birthday would maybe be around May, or even June. Okay. So in Season 2, Morgana would have to be 21 and then in Season 3, she'd be turning 23.

Arthur - In Excalibur, he just turned 21. (Coming of age, and all). So, in Season 3, he'd be around 24.

Merlynn - She came to Camelot as an eighteen year old. So, in Season 3, she'd have to be at least 21.

I'm guessing Gwen would be a few months younger than Morgana, so she would be 23 as well.

Uther's old, so's Gaius. We don't really need to get in to that; we can just figure it out by their faces. This is what I've decided. I hope it's good thought, and realistic.

It was a stick.

Such an inanimate, simple material of the Earth had possibly sent them to their death. And it was Merlynn's fault; she was, of course, the one who stepped on it in the first place. Arthur and Merlynn had been scoping the forest for some word of bandits nearby. Of course, only the two of them were able to go, so they were left to check out the small band of bandits. There were only supposed to be a tiny group of three or four.

About thirty men were in a camp in a large clearing, all snacking away at some poor, dead animal. Arthur had immediately put his finger to his lips for her to remain quiet and then motioned for them to hurry back to Camelot. When Merlynn turned, her foot snapped onto the damned, loud stick and alerted the large troupe of their presence.

"Oh, Merlynn," Arthur muttered irately. "You are such an…idiot."

"Come on, men!" a bandit shouted.

"Run!" Merlynn yelped in surprise, and shot into action.

"We'll outrun them," Arthur called out to her in reassurance; he knew that when she panicked, she became clumsy, and would stumble to the forest floor quicker than an arrow's fire.

The two rushed through the trees, accelerated by the angry roars from the bandits behind them. They were neck-in-neck and using all sort of co-ordination to speed their way toward salvation. It was difficult, but most of the men seemed to be a bit pot-bellied and overfed, so it gave the two thinner pair a proper advantage to gain ahead. Soon, Arthur stopped them at a far enough distance in a small dip in the earth, ducking behind some of the rocks. Merlynn kept her head down while he scoped the surrounding area for any sight of the bandits.

"Are they still coming?" she panted.

"I told you we'd outrun them," he exclaimed victoriously.

She raised a sceptical brow. "You sure about that?"

He sighed. "Why is it you never trust me, Merlynn?"

Instead of answering, she pointed ahead of them, where bandits were rushing at them from that particular direction. Merlynn groaned, and the two bolted to the right, away from the onslaught of bandits coming toward them. After a few minutes of extensive running, Arthur finally stopped them once again in a small crossroads, and searched through a small valley of rock, ivy and moss.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2013 ⏰

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