teh once and future queen

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Hey, guys! New chapter up...

Hope you guys had a great week, despite the rain. (Australia) Also hope you like the chapter. Episode 'The Once and Future Queen'.

A/N: If you guys have any questions, inquiries, anything...feel free to ask. I'm open to answer anything.

Merlynn loved to watch Arthur train. She would admit it to herself. It was all in his body stance, his eyes (after removing his helmet), and the desperation for success using a sensational amount of skill and ambition. They were all endearing qualities that she would also admit was attractive, to her. She had long since forgiven his prat-tish attitude since the Sigan Incident and he had mellowed since then.

Jousting. This was a particular sport where two men on horses ran at each other with rather large poles in their hands, and then tried to jolt the other off with said object. It was an extremely dangerous activity. She winced as Sir Leon was knocked straight off his horse, but grinned as Arthur trotted over to her. He returned it and slid his helmet from his head, revealing messy, helmet hair that stuck up every which way. Merlynn snorted.

"I don't understand this game - it seems too painful for one's own good," she remarked, glancing over at a dazed Leon. "That's three points, right? For hitting his chest?"

"That's the point, Merlynn. It's not a pillow fight, but a competition. And good work, you're actually paying attention." His comment was good-natured, and he motioned toward the blunt piece of wood resting against the wall. "Fetch me the lance, will you?"

Merlynn handed it over and watched as he led the horse over into position again at the other end of the field. As he shot off into a fast gallop toward Sir Leon, the sunlight caught on the metal of the lance and hit his eye. Arthur's head turned to avoid the sudden flash of light, leaving him vulnerable to the other knight.

However, Leon's lance went up and they passed each other in a tie. She frowned curiously as to why Leon intentionally pulled out, and hurried over to Arthur as he dismounted the steed.

Arthur, outraged, stormed over to Sir Leon, who didn't even look guilty. He looked ashamed in the least. "Why did you pull out? I was wide open! You could have unhorsed me."

"I was fearful that I may injure you, Sire," he explained quietly.

"You had the advantage. You can't afford to hesitate."

"I wouldn't have done if I were facing a different opponent. You are the future King, My Lord."

Arthur raised his brow dubiously. "You jousted against me in the tournament last year. Are you saying you let me win?" he hissed.

Leon shook his head, but there was a glint in his eyes that Arthur knew meant that he did. "No, My Lord."

"It doesn't matter who I am!" he exclaimed angrily. "I do not expect any special treatment from you, from any of you! Is that understood?"


"How am I going to prove myself if my opponents aren't trying their hardest?" Arthur ranted, stripping off his armour.

"I'm sure it's not happening all the time," she defended.

He turned on her. "So it's happening some of the time?"

"No...I, well, probably..." she trailed off, biting her lip. Merlynn hoped he didn't yell at her again for it.

"Now you're doing it! You're telling me exactly what you think I want to hear!" He leaned against his bed post and crossed his arms over his chest with the smallest of pouts. "That just proves it. All my life I've been treated as if I'm special. I just want to be treated just like everyone else." Arthur kicked the floor.

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