To Kill the King

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Hey guys. I don't like this episode, which is why it is so short and not very good - in my opinion. Sorry. However, this is the second last episode of the first season.

Now I've been pondering whether or not to make season 2 a sequel, or to continue on as a full story. Please, do give me your opinion. I like to appease...

Remember. Review. Observe. Comment. :) xx

To Kill a King:

Tugging. There was a sharp tugging sensation at her navel, as though she was being pulled backwards toward something. Her eyes shot open to search for the culprit, but didn't see Gaius poking her awake, or Arthur, but just her empty room. She frowned.

Then, there was a strange sense of foreboding. A sudden force had notified her of it's presence, and it meant business. Maybe not toward her, but she now knew about it. It became Merlynn's business.

She drummed her fingers against her thigh (a nervous habit) as she exited her chambers and headed down the small flight of stairs leaving to the main quarters. Merlynn noticed that the candles were still alight, and jumped when Gaius glanced up at her through tired, yet observant eyes.

"Can't sleep?" he inquired, sliding the glasses from the bridge of his nose.

Merlynn nodded drearily and took a seat. "Something strange woke me," she explained.


She shrugged as she played with the hem of her tunic sleeve at her right arm and blinked slowly to force back the sudden need to go back to sleep. "A feeling. I didn't know what it was, but it was powerful. Like powerful magic was here in Camelot."

As though awaiting her response, Gwen burst into the physician's chamber, tears pouring down her flushed cheeks. When she took sight of Merlynn already awake, she clutched at her shoulders when the other girl stood.

"Gwen, what's wrong?" Merlynn asked worriedly.

"My father's been arrested," she cried, pulling back from the embrace.

Her eyes widened. "Arrested? Why?"

"They say he was making weapons for a sorcerer! They're charging him with treason!"

Guinevere didn't want to be alone. She feared sitting in her home, waiting for her father to open the door, tired yet happy to see her, and give Gwen a loving hug. It wasn't what she wanted to happen. She wanted to be strong, for herself and Merlynn, ever the worrier.

But, she found that even tears couldn't be prevented and they hadn't stopped since she had left her father's chambers. Merlynn had led her up to her chambers then stayed by her side until the tears subsided - which they never did.

'Tauren didn't say,' Gwen had told both she and Gaius after speaking to her father in the dungeons. 'But he used some kind of stone...some kind of magic.'

Merlynn had let Gwen take the bed and instead took residence in the spare cot. But instead, they didn't sleep. She only came back upstairs and moved over to her bed and wrapped the chambermaid up in her arms.

She had found that words were not required, nor wanted when it came to matters such as this. Gwen discovered that Merlynn's hugs were enough to keep her the least bit comforted for the time being, and rested her head on her shoulder as she cried.

Gaius walked up the small flight of stairs and took in their appearances. They had slept fine, but both their eyes were red, puffy, cheeks flushed and skin pale. Haggard, would be a description he would use. Merlynn's eyes turned to his and nodded as he gave her a pointed look toward Gwen.

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