teh nightmare begins

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New Chapter up. Enjoy. :)

Morgana's room had been ignited during the storm last night, along with one of her windows bursting open. That was what Guinevere had told her when she was ushering her to her mistress' chambers. Merlynn had immediately rushed over, washed over with worry for her dear friend.

As she stepped over the threshold to Morgana's chambers, she couldn't help but freeze in the slightest at the sight of Arthur. Her feelings had boiled over and became too noticeable since the kiss they had shared two weeks ago. They hadn't spoken about it since; Arthur felt awkward, so did she, so they kept quiet and avoided each other when available. Merlynn came to the conclusion that he slightly regretted the kiss, and didn't even try to resolve their feelings. She just left it the way it was - it was destined forever that they would remain servant and master. Merlynn was fine with it, or she had assured herself this.

Dreams had forever plagued his mind of their embrace, and he longed to do it again. Arthur tensed as Merlynn walked into the room but couldn't help studying her as he had found himself doing more since the kiss. He feared bringing up the topic for the forbidden nature of a relationship between them would surely end in disaster. Crossing his arms over his chest, he turned his eyes from her and focused them instead on the burnt drapes that hung from the ceiling.

Merlynn quietly passed him and began to clean up the burnt fragments of the curtain and small table, along with the glass from the window. Morgana, thankfully, wasn't in the room. She had been forced from her chambers to relax and calm herself down.

"What happened?" Uther barked sharply to Gwen, brows furrowed in anger. Merlynn knew why he was so angry and relentless; his worry for Morgana overclouded all judgment, despite the fact that she had attempted to kill him at least once. But, he didn't necessarily know that.

"I came back in with some extra blankets. There was a candle, but I put it out," Gwen responded, eyes imploring toward the King who was giving her 'The Eye'.

"Are you sure?"

"I blew it out, I swear," she said honestly. Merlynn accidently pricked herself with the glass and gasped in pain, but ignored it and continued to clean it up. The blood was sliding down her finger as she stood and stuck it in her mouth.

"Gwen's been Morgana's servant for years. If she said she blew it out, I believe her," Arthur spoke up. If Morgana and Merlynn trusted Gwen with their lives, then he knew that she would never betray them. His eyes flickered over to his servant and watched as she pulled her finger from her soft lips, to which he had dreamed about many a night.

She glanced up and found his eyes on her, blushed and turned away from him. Arthur frowned pitifully.

"She could've been burnt alive," Uther snapped and stared over at the burnt drapes.

"Lightning struck the castle roof last night, that could've started the fire," he suggested.


Arthur glanced at his father with a raised brow. "What other explanation is there?"

"Someone started the fire deliberately," he said darkly.

After she had finished cleaning up Morgana's chambers and wrapped her finger up with a small bit of gauze, Merlynn headed back to her chambers to relax for the smallest bit of time before her Master called for her again. Her master. Arthur Pendragon. She had been trying to ignore the thought of him since the incident, but it proved futile as she was to spend every waking moment with the man.

As she opened the door to the physician's chambers, she paused as she heard two distinct, familiar voices within. Merlynn allowed a small gap in the door to eavessdrop.

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